Chapter 1

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Versuchen: Get down!

I saw several Secret Service members drop dead from a sniper followed by the crackle of a G28.


Escorting the United States President, I saw the glint of a sniper scope as we stopped.

Secret Service 1: Do you see tha-

The Secret Service agent was interrupted by a bullet to the head by a sniper from a nearby building and I laid some suppressing fire on the hostile.

Versuchen: Get down!

Several more agents were taken out before a single shot from a G28 filled the area around.

Watcher: Scharfschütze runter. (Sniper down.)

Versuchen: Sichern Sie den Bereich! (Secure the area!)

Despite all four of us speaking English, we still spoke in German to each other as it was our native language. The area was secured and the President got to safety with no injuries. We were paid the last 25% of our contract and got an extra 50% stacked on top.

Versuchen: Ausziehen! (Move out!)

We got back to HQ where we partially ungeared and sat around cleaning our guns.

Versuchen: Verrückte Scheiße, Mann. (Crazy shit, man.)

Oswald: Ich kann nicht einmal ihren Präsidenten nach draußen gehen lassen. (Can't even have their President go outside.)

Versuchen: Ich bin nur froh, dass ich nicht aus Amerika komme. (I'm just happy I'm not from America.)

Getting a new business proposition, I looked over the details. It was an escort of Russian President, Vladimir Putin, so I accepted and got the time as well as location.

Versuchen: Mach dich bereit, wir arbeiten mit den Russen. (Gear up, we're working with the Russians.)

Walter: Vlad?

Versuchen: Ja. (Yes.)

We got to our escort location and met up with the Alpha Group guards as well as Putin.

Putin: Привет товарищи.(Hello, comrades.)

Versuchen: Привет. (Hello.) Куда мы идем?(Where are we off to?)

Putin: Украина.(Ukraine.)

The escort began and I looked at a helicopter that flew over.

Watcher: Team Regenbogen Sechs. (Team Rainbow Six.)

Versuchen: Behalte sie im Auge. (Keep an eye on them.)

The helicopter landed on the side of the road and six operators hopped off quickly and started shooting at the opposite side. Bringing the large convoy to a halt, both us and Russian Alpha Group ran forward at the gunfight. White Masks emerged from the bushes and vegetation and started shooting at us as well as the team. The operators were taking some fire as we gunned down the terrorists from the side. Seeing more come from the bushes, a lot of G28 shots from Watcher started to ring out as a White Mask dropped with each shot. One of the operators threw a large device which let out several flashes and most of the White Masks were dropped as Giant grabbed the final one.

Giant: Guter Versuch. (Good try.)

After shooting the terrorist five times, we turned our attention to the Operators.



I heard Watcher speak over our comms that went through my earpiece.

Watcher: Ich habe einen Schuss. (I have a shot.)

Versuchen: Bereithalten. (Standby).

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