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I slowly started moving around and didn't feel alex next to me so I slowly opened my eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down so I slowly got up because my fucking leg I put on his shirt and limped in front of him I heard him sniff so I kneeled down in front of him and I saw a tear drop from his nose meaning he was crying so I gently grabbed his head and made him look up at me and his eyes where red and he smelled a little bit like alcohol
N-baby wht happened
He just cried harder so I quickly stood up not caring about my legs and I hugged him letting him cry on my stomach I ran my fingers through his hair confused
N-baby u have to talk to me...plz
A-she gone
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes while gripping the sides of the shirt
A-shes gone...my mom is gone
I was speechless I-I didn't know wht to do I just hugged him while he continued to cry on my stomach I started tearing up because one I hated seeing Alex cry and two I couldn't believe gala is gone after a couple minutes he let me go and got up I looked at him as he went over to little kitchen that was in here and he grabbed a bottle of alcohol
N-no!!*goes and takes it from him*
A-come wht do I have to lose nova my mom is FUCKING GONE
N-US...u have us to lose u have Aurora jr Kayden and Mia to lose if u handle this situation like this
He came close to me and grab the bottle but I wasn't letting it go so it snatch it and opened it and started drinking it taking no breaks
N-come on ALEX STOP*trys to grab it*
He knew my short ass couldn't get it if he put it up more so I just stood there looking at him and when he was down he looked at me and the bottle was already half empty and it was full when he started
N-ur unfucking believable I mean really
I shook my head then walked over to the bed and started getting dressed I took off his shirt and put on my bra when I finished clipping it I grabbed his shirt and threw it at him
A-Wtf is wrong with u
N-Ik wht Alex I cant even be mad at u because u lost ur mom I get it I lose mine and it's not a good feeling but if ur gonna sit here and get drunk then stay her because I'm not coming to get u and ur not driving home because I'm taking the car
I turned around and put on my shirt and when I pulled it down I felt Alex hand rub me from my waist to my stomach
N-Alex get off u told me to fuck off so I am I'm let u get ur alone time because obviously u need it
I pushed his hand off turned around and walked past him when I went to grab my phone and the keys off the couch and he came turned me against and backed me up on to a wall holding I wrist
N-Alex get off!!
A-WHO THE FUCK ARE U TALKING TO*grips her wrist harder*
I tried to push him off but he slammed my wrist back on the wall making me cry in pain
This time he pulled my wrist and slammed them harder making me cry more but then I heard the boys coming in because they have a key to the room
C-ALEX BRO GET OFF OF HER*pulls him back*
When he let me go so guy I didn't know came and gently grabbed me and held on to me as he walked me out but as I was walking out Alex was saying some really hurtful shit
The door closed and the guy helped me all the way to my car I unlocked the door and got in
??-u ok
N-yea I'm fine he's drunk he just found out his mom died so I can't control him
??-We just found out his mom died too that's y we all came upstairs and when we got to the door we heard u yelling
N-ohh..I should get home I have a daughter to get to
??-oh ok uhh btw I'm mattia
N-mattia got it ok thx
Ma-np I should go back upstairs to help the boys
I nodded and closed the door he walked inside and I started the car driving off

*hours at the house*
When I had got home earlier I got in the shower got out and changed and did my routine

Put now I was just laying in bed on my phone mia was sitting at the end of the bed on her iPad put while I was on Instagram I seen me and Alex were trending on Instagram from our outfit from last night I just slightly smiled but then it dropped wh...

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Put now I was just laying in bed on my phone mia was sitting at the end of the bed on her iPad put while I was on Instagram I seen me and Alex were trending on Instagram from our outfit from last night I just slightly smiled but then it dropped when Alex ft me but I decline it but he called back so I declined it again and after a few times he stopped calling me and I sighed but then I heard mia iPad ring and she answered and when I heard Alex voice I quickly got up and hung it up
N-if daddy's calls again don't answer ok
N-just don't
She went back to playing her game and my phone rang again so I picked it up and saw it was Carlos so I answered
C-can u plz come back down here
N-for wht I have nothing to say to Alex
I hung up and got up I put on my slides then picked up mia and took her to jr room
N-can u plz watch her I have to go talk to ur dad
I sat her on his bed and walked downstairs grabbed the keys and left

*back at the hotel*
I went up to the room and knocked on the door seconds went by and Gio answered we walked inside and I saw Alex sitting on the couch with a cup of water in his hand with his head down I saw Carlos with a scratch on his face and this other guy with a bag of ice on his jaw the other guys was just sitting around the room in silence
N-so y did I have to come back
Alex looked up at Carlos then at me
A-wht did I say to u because I was already drunk when u woke up so me drowning other bottle right in front of u just fucked me up completely
N-u said a lot of thing
C-like u where gonna kill her
A-for the last time I didn't say that!!
N-yes u did
A-Yall fr I did
Everyone nodded and I looked down at my feet and when I looked up I noticed things on the floor that wasn't on the floor before
N-wht did happen when I left
Ma-Alex and Carlos fought and kairi got hit in the middle of it
??-are these ur*holds up her ripped underwear
A-yo put those the fuck down
??-my bad*drops them*
I walked over to him and picked them up and throw them away
Ma-Alejandro y
Al-idk I saw them and I really down know
I walked back to where I was and remembered about my shoe
N-ohh uhh*picks up the shoe*one of Yall throw my shoe out the window I saw it on the floor when I got out the car
Kai-srry I got mad at Alex and Carlos and threw wht was close
N-it's fine ig
A-could Yall step out for a second
They all got out and walked out and we stayed there in silence for about a minute untie sat his cup down and leaned back on the couch
A-u know everything I said I didn't mean right
N-yea but it still hurt coming from my husband and not only that u bruised my wrist
He threw his head back running his fingers through his hair then he took his finger and Motioned for me to come sit on his lap so I went and sat on his lap he looked at me gently grabbed my wrist and seen the bruises
N-put I'm fine tho really I where upset because u lost ur mom and she was ur bsf so I can't be mad
A-it still doesn't give me the right to put my hands on u nova it doesn't give me the right to tell u has my wife I'm gonna kill u when ur the mother of my kids and Ik damn sure my mom would have beat my ass she wouldn't have wanted me to act the way I did or handle her death the way I did nova..I fought my bsf because he was protecting u from me
I looked down at my hands that was playing with the strings of Alex sweats but he lifted my head up with us finger and kissed me I kissed back and he wrapped his arms around my waist leaned back again when we pulled away he slowly pecked my lip a couple times
A-I love u
N-I love u too*smiles*
Then we heard a bang on the door causing me to jump and look
We heard the rest of the boys laughing causing me to giggle and Alex to chuckle I then got off his lap and sat next to him he than got up and opened the door letting them in and came back and sat next to me put his hand on my thigh
C-ur bitch
A-shut tf up u wanna talk about simp let's talk about that time des made u turn off the game
They all laughed and I got up but Alex grabbed my hand
A-where are u going
N-home I promised mia she could have my all day today so I have to go
A-oh ok I'll be home later
I said bye to them and walked out and went home

(Ok so I saw this comment about nova getting pregnant again and that a lot of fucking kids but then again I low key wanna do it so let me know)

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now