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I woke up to my dad opening my Blinds so I pulled the cover over my head
A-get up where having a father daughter day
Au-it's Saturday I wanna sleep
A-get up and get dressed
Au-fine*sits up*
A-thank u
He left and I got up I stood there looking at my camera and I got idea so I went to my closet and got out this outfit then picked up my camera
*they all have their own YouTube channels except for Kayden*
Au-hi guys it is me Aurora and I'm back with other prank on my dad blesiv or Alex what Evers y'all wanna call him but he just woke me up cause where having a father daughter's day so I decided to prank him with the scandalous outfit prank and y'all know how my dad is so now I'm about to go get in the shower and get dressed then show y'all my outfit
I smiled at the camera then turned it off I grabbed my towel and went to my bathroom took a shower washed up got out did my daily routine got dressed and did my hair

I woke up to my dad opening my Blinds so I pulled the cover over my head Au-dad*wines*A-get up where having a father daughter day Au-it's Saturday I wanna sleep A-get up and get dressed Au-fine*sits up*A-thank u He left and I got up I stood there ...

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Her hair

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Her hair

I went back out to my room and grabbed the camera I stood in front of my mirror and faced the camera towards it and started recording again Au-so my dad is most definitely gonna kill me because this skirt is too short

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I went back out to my room and grabbed the camera I stood in front of my mirror and faced the camera towards it and started recording again
Au-so my dad is most definitely gonna kill me because this skirt is too short...y I kinda like it but I'm about to set up the camera before my dad comes in here
I quickly set up my camera and sat on my bed waiting for my dad too come in
A-ro u rea-..dy wht do u have on
Au-clothes*stands up*
A-Aurora stop playing that skirt is way to short second don't give me attitude
Au-I didn't and I think the skirt is fine
A-change ur not going out like that ur 14 and I don't have time to be fighting some guy looking at u the wrong way
A-Aurora go change now
Au-nooo I like this
A-well I don't and I don't wanna fight some 30 year old guy who thinks ur 18 because of this got damn skirt who even got u this outfit
Au-grandma gala
A-change now
A-no but's!!
I stood there with my arms crossed and just looked at him
A-oh my god y are u so stubborn!!
Au-ur stubborn I get it from u
He groaned and walked out I looked at the camera and and covered my mouth quietly laughing but I stop when my mom and dad came in
N-wht happened
Au-he whts me to change but I like this outfit
N-Alex it's cute whts wrong with it
A-the skirt
She looked at the skirt and realized it was too short
N-ohh ro yea it is to short
N-I really can't help u with this one this is between u and ur dad but I say change too
She sighed and looked at me I couldn't help it and I I started laughing then grabbed the camera
N-wow really
Au-srry mom the prank was really for dad
A-u play too much but can u change now
Au-yea ok y'all this is the end of this video make sure to comment like and subscribe and hit the notifications bell byeeee
I turned off my camera and sit it on my bed they left and let me change

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now