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Alex POV
Me and Carlos went to the park because he was already with me at the house so when we got there we saw people crowding this one person fanning them and telling people to get back but when some of them moved I saw nova face
A-fuck bro that nova*put the car in park*
I jumped out and run over to her I pushed past them and kneeled down next to her pulling her into my lap
A-shit...baby wake up plz
I looked around and Mia was really nowhere to be seen people was holding their kids some where leaving but how could mia leave nova sight I shook my head and picked nova up bridal style and took her to the car I laid her in the back seat got in the droves seat and parked since I park in the middle of the parking lot then I got back out and got in the back and laid her head on my lap but I left the door open so she could feel the air
C-so Mia got kidnapped
A-yea she not here and the guy that probably did it we don't even know him so he could be anywhere by now
Nova started nova while calling mias name the she shot up
She tried to climb over me to get out but once she was in the position of sitting on my lap I quickly grabbed her waist and made her sit down then grabbed her face and kissed her she was hitting my chest so I could let her go but when she realized I wasn't she slowly stopped and just had tears running down her face I pulled away and she let her head drop
N-it's my fault
A-first explain
N-she was playing and I got a call from a unknown number and it was a guy calling a bad mom and y would I turn my back to answer the phone and he was surprised I answered then I heard a scream and when I turned around she was gone
A-he knew u where gonna turn ur back that's y he called
A-it had to be two people because one has to call and the other took Mia and u always turn ur back when u get a call when ur with the kids so u could hear and with Mia ur at a park full of kids but they chose Mia meaning
N-it has to be her stocker oh my god Alex he could do something to her*sits next to him and bring her knees up to her chest*
I looked at Carlos and he looked at me then we both looked at nova she laid her head on my shoulder while playing with her fingers after a while her phone started ringing so she grabbed it and looked at me
N-it's a unknown number
I took the phone from her and answered putting it on speaker
??-u know u should never turn ur back on ur kid
N-who is this and where is mia
??-she's safe for now
A-wht do u mean for now where tf is my daughter
??-oh finally the hubby says something
We all looked at each other confused because one how did he know I was here
N-how did u know he was here
??-u called him because u couldn't find little ole Mia
A-y are u messing with her just leave her alone
??-how about this I gave u Mia but...u gave me nova in return
A-no I'm not giving u shit give me my daughter
??-y so harsh Alex just give me nova 2,240 dollars and u get ur daughter back
I looked at nova then down at my feet
A-alright when
??-yess...tomorrow night but nova alone with the money
I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes for a sec
A-ok fine
The guy hung and and nova immediately started hitting and yelling at me Carlos got out and I closed the door I grabbed her arms and laid her on her back with me in between her legs
N-are u serious!!
N-no dont baby me I thought u would have talked him down to something else but he really giving me up
I held her hands above her head and made her put her legs on my waist
A-look bade ur not going anywhere ok plz just calm down I only agreed so we could get Mia back
She tried to kick me in my dick but I moved and quickly grabbed her leg
N-get off
I opened the door and got out she got out after then hit me and walked off
I ran and grabbed her arm turning her around and pulling her into my chest
A-dont do it if u knee me in my balls we will have a problem understand
She looked up at me and I gave her I'm not playing look she snatch her arms away from me and got back in the car I looked at Carlos and he put his hands up walking to the car I rolled my eyes and we got in the car nova sat in the back so Carlos sat in the front
A-y did u sat in the back
N-Carlos can u drive my car home plz
She handed him the keys and he got out I looked back at her as she picked her phone up from the floor
A-u seriously ignoring me
No reply
A-ok bet
I started the car and Carlos followed us home

*at home*Nova POV
I walked in the house still ignoring Alex I went up to our room to our bathroom and decided to take a quick shower since I was in the grass and shit when I got out I did my routine and got changed

To calm me down I put some moisturizer in my hair and started massaging my scalp when I felt a little relaxed I washed and dried my hands then Alex came in the just looked up at him in the mirror then started putting the things back but he came be...

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To calm me down I put some moisturizer in my hair and started massaging my scalp when I felt a little relaxed I washed and dried my hands then Alex came in the just looked up at him in the mirror then started putting the things back but he came behind me grabbed my neck and made me look up as he got close to ear and press his bulge against my ass
A-get rid of the attitude before I get rid of it for u and u know damn well I'm not letting anything happen to u or Mia
I looked through the mirror and saw his arm which had his Veins showing and when I tell u I had waterfalls I had waterfalls
He grabbed the back of my sweats and pulled me back more making me feel his bulge then he let me go and slapped my ass
A-now go get some rest he gonna need it
He kissed me cheek and walked out I finished putting my things up while trying not to cry when I was done I walked out to the bed and laid down with my back facing the door and I ended up crying but quietly after a couple minutes I felt Alex side of the bed sink and a pair of arms wrap around me
A-plz stop crying
N-I can't I want my baby
He turned me around and I wrapped my arms him crying into his chest as he hold me running his fingers through my hair
A-shhh where gonna get her back
He lifted my leg up on his waist and went back to running his fingers through my hair and I cried myself to sleep

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora