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I got woken up to baby noises in my ear so I slowly opened my eyes and saw Mia in the middle of me and Alex wake eating her fingers and slobbering so I propped myself up on one elbow and she looked at me
N-morning mama*sits up and picks her up*
Alex started to move around and I didn't wanna wake him up so I got up with Mia and went over to his side grabbed my phone and checked the time it was 1:15 I sat my phone back down and went downstairs to the living room because her stuff was still in there but I sat down on the couch next to her car seat and put her inside then grabbed her diaper bag got a diaper out and her bottle I changed her then feed her after she went to sleep I put her in her car seat and took her to vereenas room
N-hi vereena
N-I was wondering if u could watch Mia while I got in the shower and Alex is sleep still
V-yea sure
N-thx*sits the car seat on the bed
N-I'll be back to get ina bit
I walked out and went to me and Alex room he was still sleep so left him alone I went to the bathroom got in the shower washed up and things got out dryed off did my hygiene stuff and got dressed

*without the drink*I put my hair into a high ponytail and When I walked back out to the bed Alex was dead asleep so got on top of him and gently grabbed his chin and softly pecked his lip causing him to wake up put his hands on on my waist and pec...

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*without the drink*
I put my hair into a high ponytail and When I walked back out to the bed Alex was dead asleep so got on top of him and gently grabbed his chin and softly pecked his lip causing him to wake up put his hands on on my waist and pecked my lip until we pulled away
N-wake up
A-y it's so early
N-it's 2:00 get up*sits next to him*
A-damn fr*stretches*
Au-mom dad
N&A-*both looks at the door*yea
Au-so I kinda*takes a deep breath*i think I did something bad
N-wht y would u think u did something bad*motions for her to sat on the bed*
Au-*goes and sits on the bed*well remember bri
N-the one that bully's u
Au-yea her well ever since the fight with her every one at school really kinda lost respect for her and she didn't scare them like she use too so*starts crying*so she couldn't take it and felt like she was being bullied and killed herself this morning and now her brother is blaming me for it*fully breaks down*
Me and Alex both jump up and grabbed her before she hit the ground we pulled her into a hug and just let her cry so she could get everything out instead of keeping them inside after she stopped crying we realized she cried herself to sleep so alex picked her up and laid her in his spot and put the cover over her I laid next to her and started playing with her hair so she felt more comfortable
A-great now I have a 15 year old daughter who thinks she's a murder because the girl who bullied her couldn't take how it felt to be bullied and her brother is blaming Aurora
N-Alex bri probably didn't have a good house hold
A-how when her mom works for me*covers his mouth and looks for her*
N-wht*looks at him*
A-Celia is bri mom
N-wait so this whole time our daughter was getting bullied by Celias daughter and u didn't do anything
A-I did but Celia didn't do anything
N-so u didn't keep trying u just asked once and that's it
A-no I've asked her many time to talk to bri but she didn't so when bri and Aurora fought bri told Celia and Celia came confronting me all mad and shit but I told her it is wht it is and she should have did something about bri when I asked her to I mean yea I feel bad about bri but Aurora had nothing to do with bri killing herself
N-there two fucked up things about this situation one bri killing herself two our daughter is gonna continue blaming herself from bri death
A-ik but can u stay her with her until she wakes up
N-yea re
He came over to me kissed me then got some clothes and went to the bathroom
*hours later*
Aurora woke up hours ago Alex has been in and out checking in n he but we're been in the room with Mia  the whole time
Au-wht do I do if a boy is pressuring me to do something I don't wanna do
N-tell someone and don't do it y is someone pressuring u to do something
Au-no I was just asking
N-are u sure
I looked at her then Mia and thought way not go outside to the back instead of stay in the room
N-wanna go outside to the back u me Mia and the boys
We both got up and went downstairs the boys saw us going outside so the followed and we went over to the grass
N-oh my bad Kayden can u go get mias carseat and blanket
He went in the house and the rest of us sat in the grass when he came back out I put Mia in her car seat and we all just talked
N-so jr u have a girlfriend
Jr-uhh yea ig
N-really who
Jr-Kayla*looks at Aurora*
Au-ur dating my bsf
Jr-it kinda just happened she asked me out and I like her so I said yes
N-I can't say anything I'm dating ur uncles bsf so
Jr-since we're on the topic on girls and boyfriends how about u tell mom about ur little boyfriend at school
N-*looks at Aurora*u have a bf
Au-no yes kinda..ok yes but don't tell dad just yet
N-whts his name
N-Eli how old is he
Au-jr shut up and it doesn't matter because I'm about to be 15
N-ok enough how long have y'all been dating
Au-2 months
N-ok jr
Jr-3 months
N-so y'all both hid y'all relationships from us
Au-I mean u know dad
Jr-and I didn't want Aurora to know yet because her and Kayla had a rule saying that they can't date each other's siblings
Au-so u knew about the rule and y'all just didn't care
Jr-we did but I like her and she likes me
Au-fine wht ever but u break her heart I'm going break face and just because ur my brother a arm for a fun
N-guys enough Kayden anything special going on
K-not really but I did get 100% on my test
N-that's good but how's ur project going
K-good actually I was gonna ask u can I bring the class pet home for a week
N-wht pet
K-a Hamster
N-uhh sure but talk it over with ur dad first
Au-oh mom so Kayla helped me pick out a dress for my Quinceanera
N-ok tomorrow I'll order it and we have the place rented out for the week after next week on Friday
We all talked and laughed until Celia came storming outta the house over to us
Ce-u little bitch u made my daughter kill her self
Au-wht mom-
N-first don't call my daughter a bitch second Aurora didn't do anything bri was bullying everyone and when her and Aurora fought she didn't have the same popularity as she did before and couldn't take it so y'all can't come blaming people
and with that she pushed jr outta the way and ran over to Aurora


The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now