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I was in the living watching tv while Alex and the rest where in a meeting so I got bored and decided to go out front and mess with the flowers and I think I was ok cause we had gates and guard everywhere
Gu-good evening miss Guzman but mr Guzman doesn't want everyone outside the house right now
N-and y is that there nothing to do
Gu-I'm Srry but mr Guzman orders
I rolled my eyes and looked down at the flower I was touching but than I felt a sting in my neck
N-owww*touch's here neck and pulls out a dart*
N-I feel lightheaded
As soon as I was about to hit the ground the guard caught me and started yelling but I blacked out

Alex POV
As I was in a meeting a guard came running in
Gu2-I'm Srry to interrupt but miss Guzman came outside not knowing she was supposed to and got hit by a tranquilizer dart and she past out
I ran outta the room and saw one of the guards carrying nova inside I quickly went over to them and grabbed her and laid her on the couch
A-Wht did the dart look like
Gu-here*hands him the dart*
I looked at the dart and it was red and black meaning it was just to knock her out
A-I need every guard around the house now!!
I pick up nova and took her upstairs to the room and laid her down then I went and canceled the meeting and stayed with nova until she woke up

*hours later*nova POV
Woke to my neck hurting so I groaned and slowly sat up then Alex walked out the bathroom in sweats but once he saw me he quickly came over to him and moved my hand to look at my neck
A-baby u ok
N-I think so but it's just my neck
A-ok any pain in ur stomach or
N-no I think the twins are fine
A-ok*kisses her*plz don't scare me like that again
N-Srry I didn't know we couldn't go outside
A-it's fine next time I'll tell u
I nodded he then helped me up and we walked over to the bathroom he then picked me up and sat me on the counter then started me a shower
N-I'm started not to feel to good
He came over to me and I instantly fell into his chest he moved some of my hair to look at my neck and then he quickly helped me down and took me to the bed then went to the closet
A-ur going to the hospital ok
A-the spot where u got hit is starting to turn green
I got up and went to the body mirror and looked at my neck and he was right but then I started breathing heavy and started to feel lightheaded Alex noticed and ran over to me and sat me down again
A-don't get up ok
He throw on his shirt went to the bathroom turned off the shower then put on my slides picked me up and then I blacked out again

Alex POV
When I picked up nova bridal style she blacked out again so I carried her downstairs to the car and started driving her to the hospital while trying to keep her up
A-baby plz keep ur eyes open
N-I'm t-rying
A-try hard plz...I'm taking u to gang house doctor ok
I couldn't respond I just closed my eyes
I opened then again but they closed again

*at the gang house doctor*Alex POV
I quickly parked the car and got out ran over to nova side carried her out bridal style and went inside
A-LUCAS*lays nova on the couch*
L-*runs out*yes sir
A-help her she got hit with some type of dart I thought it was a knock dart but it's something else she keeps blacking out and where she got hit it's turned green
He ran over to us and he kneel down in front of nova and looked at her neck and the green stop started getting bigger
A-Lucas plz help her she's pregnant with twins and I can't lose them plz
L-it's looks like it was a poison dart I can drain the poison out before it reaches the rest of her body or the babies

*hours later*Nova POV
I slowly opened my eyes and seen I was someone's house then I felt someone running their fingers through my hair so I slowly sat up and seen Alex next to me he quickly looked at me and pulled me into his lap and hugged me I then felt something on my neck so I went to touch it but was stop by Alex
A-don't touch it
A-because it's just something to stop the bleeding
N-Wht happened y was I bleeding
A-someone hit u with a poison dart so I brought u here to the gang house doctor because us in public rn isn't safe
N-are the twins ok*holds her stomach*
A-yes the twins are ok we drained the poison out before it got to the twins or reached anywhere else
I let out a sigh of relief and laid my head on his chest then I heard other voice so I shot my head up and looked towards the living room
A-babe it's ok this is Lucas Lucas this is nova
I held on to Alex thigh letting him know I was nervous he wrapped his arm around my waist started kissing my neck to calm me down
A-it's ok his the one who made sure u where ok*mumbles*
L-hi nova I'm Lucas and Ik u don't feel to comfortable around since I'm new and Alex has told me about ur past so Ik how u are around strangers but I really need to do other ultrasound to make sure the twins are still doing ok
I looked at Alex and he nodded I looked back at lucas and nodded then slowly got off Alex lap and laid back down with my head on Alex lap I left up my shirt above my baby bump and watched as Lucas set up the ultrasound

*skip to when their at home*
We walked in the house and it was quiet meaning everyone was sleep so we quietly went upstairs to our room and closed the door I went and immediately got in the shower and washed up and things then got out dried off put on Alex shirt and did my night routine I took the bandage off my neck and it was a little dot and it wasn't bleeding thankfully I walked out the bathroom and seen Alex sitting in the bed changed already so I crawled into the bed and over to Alex he pulled me into his lap and he rest his hands on my ass cheeks
N-u showered in the other bathroom
I slightly nodded and laid next to him and cuddle him he pulled the covers up over us he turned on the tv and we watched Wht ever wht was on until we fell asleep

(Next chapter I'll probably skip to when the twins are like 1 and around kid is 11 months almost one)

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now