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*same day at 6:20*
I felt someone giving me a slight shake so when I opened my eyes I saw our body mirror in front of me causing me to scream and punched it then I realized Alex was pranking me
He continued to laugh as he put the mirror back I then put the covers over my head and turned around seconds later he moved the covers and he had his phone in front of my face and I noticed he was live
N-Alex get off
A-I'm srry I saw it on TikTok earlier and when I went live I remembered
N-my hand hurts now*back hands him in the chest*
A-I'm srry mamas
I looked at him and he pecked my lips then let me go up I went and grabbed one of his shirts I put it on and it stopped med upper thigh I walked outta the closet as I took my ponytail down and let my hair fall I saw him standing in front of the window with his phone propped up so I went and hugged him from behind
N-wht time is it
A-uhh 6:25
N-ok well I'm go get dressed now
I let him go and walked back into the closet grabbing my clothes that I'm gonna wear I went to the bathroom room brushed my teeth did my hair and makeup
The outfit

*same day at 6:20*I felt someone giving me a slight shake so when I opened my eyes I saw our body mirror in front of me causing me to scream and punched it then I realized Alex was pranking me N-BABE STOP ITS NOT FUNNY He continued to laugh as he ...

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*she didn't put the shoe on just yet*Her hair and makeup

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*she didn't put the shoe on just yet*
Her hair and makeup

The door opened and alex came in he propped his phone up to see the both of us and he around his arms around my waist as I made sure my hair was good he just slightly kissed neck while slowly swaying our hips to the music I was playing as I was qu...

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The door opened and alex came in he propped his phone up to see the both of us and he around his arms around my waist as I made sure my hair was good he just slightly kissed neck while slowly swaying our hips to the music I was playing as I was quite singing
A-wht time do u gotta leave
N-umm they are coming to pick me up at 9
A-and wht is it
N-*checks her phone*8:50
I bend over to look at the comments but then Alex gently grabbed my neck from behind and pulled me up and whispered in my ear something sexual making me look at him though the mirror shocked causing him to laugh and let me go I looked at the camera smiling
N-"wht did he say to u"uhh nothing important but know it was funny
My phone lit up so I looked and it was devyn texting that she was 2 minutes away so I grabbed my phone and went out to the room and started putting up n my shoes as Alex walked out the bathroom with his phone
A-shit my stomach hurts now
N-that ur fault u shouldn't have said it
He laughed again as he sat his phone up again by the tv I stood up and walked over to him which I'm still 2 inch shorter but I wrapped my arm around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist slowly pecking my lips which eventually turned into a kiss
N-ok Alex I have to go devyn is gonna be here any minute
A-y do u have to go
N-because I was asked and I said yes
He rolled his eyes and picked me up I slightly smiled while rolling my eyes I grabbed his chin and made him look at me then I kissed him he kissed back while pulling away we pecked each other lips when we finally pulled away we heard my phone ring so I looked at him and he put me down I kissed him one last time then grabbed my phone
N-love u
A-love u too be safe and call me if something happens
I walked outta the room and went downstairs I decided not to take my purse because I didn't have time to me losing it so I went outside and out to devyn car I got in and she hugged me
De-period looking like a snack
N-thx so do u
De-ok Sam des and vereena are at the club so let go
I looked out the window and looked up to see Alex looking outta the window with his phone on me so I waved and he waved back as devyn pulled off
N-aww I hate when he does that
N-he's at home by hisself and he looked sad when I left but he should be fine hopefully

*at 1 am*
Everyone was drunk except for vereena I was tipsy so I wasn't that drunk but on the way to my house so they could drop me off sam and devyn got into a a big ass argument so vereena pulled over we all got out except for des because she was past drunk but devyn and Sam fought we had to break them up after Gio picked up sam I grabbed my shoes from devyns car and decided to walk since we where to blocks away
V-nova where are u going
N-home just take devyn and des home I'll be fine
I continued to walk it was cold as hell I had no socks or no extra shoes so I was stuck like this until I got up but when I got to the last block I started getting creepy vibes so I walked faster but someone came from behind and put their hand over my mouth in nose so I dropped my shoes and phone and started fighting back causing us to fall I started screaming hoping someone would hear but them again the house where space out so no one came but he got on top of me started choking me so I kicked and punched but he just took it then I noticed my shoe was next to me so I grabbed it stabbed him in the chest with the shoe making him let me go I quickly scooted back holding my neck he fell back so I got up grabbed my phone my other shoe and the shoe that was in his chest and ran all the way home cause I wasn't that far when I got to the door I had tears running down my face cause I basically just killed someone who tried to kill me but the door was locked mean Alex locked it and I forgot my keys so I started banging and screaming for Alex to open the door because my phone was dead so after about a minute the door opened revealing Alex shirtless he quickly pulled me into the house and closed the door I cried into his chest as he held me like he didn't wanna let me go
A-wht happened
N-I was- he came- sam and devyn-
A-hey calm down ok I'm right here*wipes her tears*
We walked over to the living room and sat on the couch I slowly became calm but I was still sniffing trying not to cry again
A-ok now slowly tell me wht happened
N-everything was great until after we left the club one our way to drop me off sam and devyn got into a big argument so we pulled over Sam and devyn got out des was past out so me and vereena got out after a couple words sam and devyn started fighting so we broke them up Gio came and got sam and devyn was too upset and drunk and wanted to argue with me but I just grabbed my shoe and left but when I got halfway home some guy attack me so I had no other choice but to use my shoe and I stabbed him with the heel...when I seen he wasn't moving I panicked grabbed my stuff and ran home
A-y didn't u call me so I could over picked u up
N-my phone was dead and I wasn't thinking about using someone else phone
I looked at him with tears in my eyes on top of that my eyes were red and puffy but Alex pulled me into his chest while running his fingers through my hair
A-how about u go get in the shower and when u come out we can cuddle and deal with this tomorrow
We both got up he helped me upstairs so I didn't fall because I felt weak but since I kept stopping and stumbling in the hallway he just picked me up and took us to our room to our bathroom and put me down on the counter he gently took off my makeup then help me took off my clothes once I was in the shower he left out so I washed up washed my hair and things I got out and dried off I dried my hair then got changed Into some underwear one of Alex's shirts then I put my hair into a messy bun and just brushed my teeth because all my other things I did not feel like doing but I looked at my self in the mirror and I felt myself sobbing up a tiny bit so I walked out to the bed and seen Alex laying down so I got in bed laid my head on Alex chest and had one of my legs over his stomach as he wrapped his arm around me making me feel safe
A-u ok now
N-idk but when u first had killed someone how did u feel
A-uhh I felt bad at first but other then that i didn't care
N-wht if he had a family
A-that's on him he attack u plus u where drunk and u freaked out
N-Ik but it doesn't feel right I've never killed anyone before
A-did he have a tattoo by any chance
N-umm...yea I think it was a bull on his forearm
A-u said a bull
N-yea y is that bad
A-no not at all but get so rest ok*lies*
N-wait are u leaving*sits up and looks at him*
A-no baby just lay down*pulls her back down*
I got comfortable again but this time alex starts playing with my hair which made my eyes get heavy
N-promise not to leave me
A-I promise
And that when sleep took over

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now