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*skip a month later*
I stayed up all night because last night tony did some things that I didn't like and he's been raping me for a month now and tbh I'm thinking about ending it but anyways tony was cuddled up with me I was facing the door so I didn't have to cuddled him and I was to scared to move then I saw the door nod turning which made me scared even more until the door slowly opened and I seen Alex Carlos and other people holding guns but Alex put his finger to his mouth telling me not to make a sound so I didn't do anything but I I did have tears coming down my face alex came over to us and carful moved Tony's hand and helped me up and immediately held me close to him as I started crying more he stroked my hair and kissed me forehead making me feel safe
A-Yo tony wake up!!
I looked back at him and Alex still played with my hair and see him look around and when he realized everything he backed up to the headboard
A-y should tell to put them down u kidnapped my wife and u expect me not to kill u
T-bro we can talk about it this come on!!
A-fine u wanna u wanna talk it about it we gonna talk about but u coming with us so put on ur pants
Tony glanced at me and I instantly buried my head in Alex chest tony put on pants and we left to the wear house

*at the wear house*
*this the wear house btw*

We all walked in to wear house the girls immediately ran to me and hugged me I smiled and hugged them backA-can y'all take her upstairs to get dress and things Des-sure They took me upstairs and I took a shower which felt so good because I haven't...

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We all walked in to wear house the girls immediately ran to me and hugged me I smiled and hugged them back
A-can y'all take her upstairs to get dress and things
They took me upstairs and I took a shower which felt so good because I haven't had one in 3 weeks and I felt nasty to from being raped so I stay in there for about 2 hours once I finally got out I changed

We all walked in to wear house the girls immediately ran to me and hugged me I smiled and hugged them backA-can y'all take her upstairs to get dress and things Des-sure They took me upstairs and I took a shower which felt so good because I haven't...

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I put on socks and my silds and put my hair into a messy bun but while I was the girls was looking at me weird
S-ur getting fat not being mean but have u been eating
N-not really I've mostly been throwing up in the morning or in the middle of the night
I turned to my side in the mirror and looked at my stomach

*her stomach*The more I stared at it the more I realize I could be pregnant so I quickly threw my hands over my stomach and looked at them N-I might be pregnant Des-But with who's baby N-Tony's he's been raping me the whole time I was there and Ik...

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*her stomach*
The more I stared at it the more I realize I could be pregnant so I quickly threw my hands over my stomach and looked at them
N-I might be pregnant
Des-But with who's baby
N-Tony's he's been raping me the whole time I was there and Ik it's not Alex's because on our anniversary he pulled out so the only person I could be pregnant by is tony
Des-here I have test here at the wearing because u never know when u might need them
She went over to a dresser and took at 3 pregnant test she gave them to me and I went in the bathroom and took them

*minute later*
We all sat on the bed with the test flipped over in the middle
S-ok y'all ready to look
N-*looks up*yea
I flipped them over and they all said positive I immediately broke down crying des pulled me closer to her as I just sat there blowing my eyes outs
N-how Am I suppose to explain this to Alex 4 kids is a lot des
Des-I mean yea 4 kids is a lot but this one will be ur kids Tony isn't gonna be in its life and Alex should be understanding
N-*wipes her tears and sats up*i guess ur right but jr still isn't talking and I don't think I'm ready for a other kid
S-how about we all help u with baby number 4 and u know Alex is gonna help but baby number 4 is gonna be like our baby So if u ever needed help just call us
N-ok I love u guys
We did a group hug a I smiled and we pulled away then des stood up
Des-while now that we found out novas pregnant I guess it's time to tell y'all I'm pregnant again
Girls ex des-Des!!
We all got up and hugged her she laughed and I was about to cry again
N-des where gonna be pregnant at the same time
She hugged me again and we smiled then I grabbed my pregnancy test and we slowly went downstairs to the living room and seen tony tied to a chair with a busted lip and a black eyes
N-alex*whispers and looks down*
N-umm I have something to tell u*looks up*
A-u wanna go some where private
N-no I actually went tony to hear this
Alex looked back at tony then at me and nodded for me to come next to me next to him so I walked over to him and he made me stand in front of him and he wrapped his arms around my waist
N-so umm when I was upstairs with the girl I found out I was pregnant*pulls out the pregnant test and shows him*
He grabbed the test and slowly walked over to tony looking at the test
A-so not only did u rape my girl I got her pregnant*looks at him*
T-I didn't get her pregnant
A-well how she get pregnant then because I've been pulling out and I'm pretty sure this past month u haven't pulled out so there for u got her pregnant
T-Alex bro I didn't mean to get her pregnant
He punched in the face causing tony to grunt in pain and he spit out blood
A-so u didn't mean to get her pregnant but u did mean to rape her
T-no I didn't I was planning on taking her u come get her and I was suppose to kill u but her body was to good not to past up
This time Alex punched him in the stomach and tony groaned
A-baby*looks at her*turn to ur side and move ur jacket
I turned and moved my jacket and looked at Alex he looked at tony and tony looked at my stomach
N-yea I'm like 4-5 weeks and when I'm pregnant I usually start showing when I'm about a month
T-*throws his head back*fuck!!
A-it's ur fault and too bad ur not gonna be able to meet it
T-I swear I never meant to get her pregnant
A-des take nova upstairs
Des came and grabbed me me and the girls ran upstairs into the room we was in and turned on the tv so we didn't have to hear tony screaming
Des-awww it's cute that where both showing
N-Ik but it feels kinda weird be pregnant and i know it's not Alex's
S-we know but we'll get through it together
N-Ik that's y I'm happy I have y'all for friends
We all laid back and chilled till we fell asleep

(Should she keep the baby or get a Abortion)

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now