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*same day*
While me Aurora mia and Eli where at the park still I had and gut feeling that something was wrong but I ignored it but then my phone rang so I looked up at Mia who was going down the slid then I told Aurora to watch her as I got up and answered the call
N-yes whts wrong
Am-ig Alex went looking for u but he came past other gang member and they shot him in the shoulder he wants u here now
N-I'm omw!!
I looked up to seen Mia talking to this odd creepy man so I slowly started walking towards them
N-gala can u do me a favor and ask Alex wht the guy was wearing
Am-yea hold on
They both looked at me and Mia came running over the guys gave me a death stare as I picked her up
Am-alex said the guy was wearing a leather Coat with some black jeans and some dress shoe
N-gala...that guy was just talking to mia*walks over to Aurora*
Am-oh my god get to the hospital as fast as u can ok
We all walked to the I handed Mia to Aurora so she could put her in but when I looked up from putting the keys in the ignition the same guy was slowly walking towards the car and pulled out a gun
We all got down and the guy started shooting I heard people screaming and run so I started the car and when I didn't hear the gun shots I quickly looked up and seen the guy reloading his gun so I quickly backed outta the parking spot and drove off I heard Mia crying and shit it was glass everywhere but I'm just glad we're ok

*at the hospital*
They kids went in before me because I had took my bun out and brushed the glass outta of my hair and just left it down plus I didn't want Alex to see the scratch on my cheek but I went in anyway and when I got halfway to his room he came running down the hall when he got to me he picked me up and hugged me as I hugged him back and ig he didn't care about his shoulder at the moment because he was carrying my heavy ass but when he put him down his kissed me and I kissed back we both pulled away and he looked at my face and went to touch the scratch but I jerked my head away
A-wht happened
N-that guy that shot was at the park talking to mia so when I called her ig he get mad and started shooting at the car and I ig the glass from the window cut me but I'm fine 
He grabbed my hand and we walked to his room he then sat me on the bed where Mia was laying down but Alex took a alcohol pad and gently wiped the scratch but it started stinging so I shut my eyes thigh while holding his arm
N-ok stop it hurts
He put the bandage on then walked away to make a call but my phone went off so I looked and it was a text from a unknown number so I opened it and the text said "u should have took Mia from me" I wanted to reply but I did I just turned my phone off
A-yea*hangs up the phone*
N-wht if that guy wasn't a gang member
A-wht he is y else would he shoot me
N-wht if he was a stocker
A-that does make sense y would u have a stocker u don't be around people like that and ur only stocker was jabez
N-not my stocker but..mias stocker
A-but he doesn't know her
Au-actually dad it's something that a umm a mentally ill person would do if he or she lost kids or family and the park we take Mia his probably where he choses his kids that's y he chose Mia
A-how do u know this
A-ok but y shoot me
N-to probably get me distracted because when ur mom called I got up and walked away to answer but I told Aurora to watch her but Aurora probably got distracted so he took the chance to talk to her because he ig got my number and said I shouldn't have took Mia from him
A-great my 2 year old daughter has a grown ass man stocking her
I looked at Mia and noticed she had this ring that wasn't there before she only ever had the ring Alex gave her so I took it off and she looked at me
N-Mia who give this to u
M-that guy
I looked at Alex and he took it from me but after looking at it for a couple seconds he throw it away and picked her up
A-lets go the ring was a tracking device
We all walked out the room and started walking to the elevator but we seen the guy at the front desk as we all quickly hid behind the wall
A-Aurora take Mia and go to the car take the stairs ok
Au-ok*grabs mia*
A-Eli don't let anything happen to my daughters understand
They ran into the stairs well so I looked at Alex and he grabbed my hand and took me back into the room
A-take ur shirt off*takes off his shirt
I did as told and he took the shirt from me then he put his shirt on me because he had on a wife beater but he huffed and he looked mad
N-Alex plz don't tell me ur about to spit us up
A-I have to
N-no u dont
A-I do I don't want u to get hurt
N-baby plz no
He grabbed my face and kissed me I kissed back when we pulled away he wiped my tears with his thumbs then let me go
A-I'll be down I promise
We both walked out the room and I ran towards the stairwell I ra down the stairs until I was at the parking garage I seen Alex car so I to it and seen them on the side
Au-where's dad
N-umm he made us split up so idk


*ok so some chapters might be like some riverdale episodes but might have some twist and I'm gonna be doing little sneak peek on the bigheadhamid snap so yea oh and I'm so happy for Alex and his mom he's doing big things and I can't wait to see wht happens next in his life and no matter wht I'm gonna support him😁*

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang