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I woke up surprisingly without a headache or a hangover cause the last thing I remember is stumbling down the hall getting back to the room and that was it and Ik it's only been a day but I miss my babies jr Aurora Kayden and Alex I flip over and grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Instagram when sam sat up
S-morning..girl last night u where fucked up
N-Ik the last thing I remember is stumbling back to the room and that was it
S-u where twerking on vereena then Alex ft u and we showed him he was just laughing we all were then before he hung up to put Kayden to sleep he say to tell u to have fun and that he loves u
N-aww I wanna call him but he's probably sleep
S-hey u wanna go get breakfast
N-let me change and brush my teeth
I got up went and grabbed some clothes changed

I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair into a ponytail put on my slides and we left everything was pretty everyone was out but as we was walking down the street Alex ft me to answered with a smile *otp with Alex*N-morning A-morning so about last ...

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I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair into a ponytail put on my slides and we left everything was pretty everyone was out but as we was walking down the street Alex ft me to answered with a smile
*otp with Alex*
A-morning so about last night
N-Ik Sam told me
A-I never knew u had a party side these whole 8 years and I never knew
N-because u know I don't like to go out that much and if I do I don't drink like that but after Wht happened last night plz trust ur wife is a party girl
Me Sam and Alex laughed I looked up and we where walking past ty and is girl then from behind us I heard her yell y are u looking at her like that I just looked at Sam she looked at me and we laughed
A-y are y'all laughing
N-so babe remember yesterday I told u I was mad because this guy pissed me off
N-well we just walked past him and his gf then we heard her yell at him y are u looking at her like that and I just think it's funny how she tried to confront me about trying to get with her dude but like I told her he walked up to me and des and got rejected
A-well can u do me a favor
A-don't fight
N-Alex u know that's hard especially when someone is disrespecting me
A-Ik but baby u have to try the police out their don't care
N-ok ok I won't fight*walks into the restaurant*but anyways where's my kids
A-mommy's on the phone
Bh-yay*gets up and grabs the phone*hi mommy
N-hi Wht are u doing
Bh-watching tv with daddy and Kayden
N-where's ur sister
Bh-with grandma Olivia
N-oh ok can u show me Kayden
Bh-yea*shows Kayden laying next to Alex*
N-awww I miss u guys
Bh-we miss u too
N-mommy loves u but can u give daddy back the phone
Bh-love u too*gives alex back the phone*
N-baby Call me when Aurora gets back home but rn I'm about to order
A-ok love u
N-love u too give her and Kayden a kiss for me
A-ofc see u later
N-see u later
He hung up I ordered my food we sat down and ate then we went back to the room I took a shower and if all my hygiene then got dressed

I brushed my teeth then brushed my hair into a ponytail put on my slides and we left everything was pretty everyone was out but as we was walking down the street Alex ft me to answered with a smile *otp with Alex*N-morning A-morning so about last ...

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I then brushed my hair down fixed my makeup Sam got in the shower and did her hygiene stuff got dressed

There was a knock at the door so I answered and seen ty at the door N-how do u know wht hotel I stay in T-I stay n this hotel to and I've seen u and ur friends always walking around and I was at the party and seen u had left ur purse so here*hands...

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There was a knock at the door so I answered and seen ty at the door
N-how do u know wht hotel I stay in
T-I stay n this hotel to and I've seen u and ur friends always walking around and I was at the party and seen u had left ur purse so here*hands her the purse*
N-oh thx*grabs it*
T-and I'm Srry about my girl she's just idk
N-it's fine I'm cool as long as she does touch me
T-trust me she won't
N-*giggles*anyways thx for my purse
He walked away I closed the door and went over to my bed
S-who was that
N-the guys from the beach ty he returned my purse
S-girl it seem like he likes u more than his own girlfriend
N-well that's on him I have a husband and kids at home
S-aww y'all are hella cute y'all are couple goals
N-sam shut up*giggles*
She laughed then she put on her lip gloss I put on mine and my slides*then ones in the picture*then we went to des and vereena room we had a key to their room to when we went in they where sleep so I went and laid on top of des
Des-nova Ik that's you
N-get up
Des-y it's so early
N-it's 1:00 me and Sam woke about 11 aye came back got dressed and now where here*gets up*
Des-its 1*looks up*
N-yes so get yo ass up and let's go walk around*slaps her ass*
Des-ok ok*gets up*
S-u too vereena Ik ur not sleep anymore
They got up did the same thing me and Sam did and we just walked around Miami took pictures bought clothes I also bought things for the kids
V-nova like this keychain as Kayden name on it
N-*walks over to her*aww I'm getting this*grabs it
After that our day went smoothly we didn't really do anything but eat get a couple drinks then went back to our rooms and chilled I was on the phone with Alex and the kids till we went to sleep

The gang leader I fell in love with 2 😍{Alex Guzman}Where stories live. Discover now