Chapter 23 - Fools

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"Get off."

"But baby, why?" she whines trying to go back in for another kiss.

"I said get off." Taehyung orders with a quick tap on her ass to get her off of him.

"Why?? Baby got jealous?" she asks with a smirk and Taehyung looked up at her with disgust and started to stand up.

"Come ooon.. I was just kidding. It's not like that nerd would come to us, you know." she tries to seduce him, her hand traveling up his arm wanting him to sit back down.

"No." Taehyung rejects and fixed up his tie. He walked over to his desk to pull out a wet wipe and wiped off the lipstick on his face and neck.

"Aww.. is my baby sulking?" the woman tries again and wraps her arms around Taehyung's waist giving him a back hug.

Taehyung's eyes twitched hearing her use her cringey "baby voice" on him. He was gradually growing more and more irritated. He released a long exhale and turned to face her. He didn't expect Seokjin to come see him in his office, he also didn't expect this woman to jump on him, but he let her. She was persistent and really wanted to see him and Taehyung felt like he needed to cleanse his thoughts and wash out the overwhelming sensation from his chest. He needed something or someone to numb it out and take his attention away from his mind because he refused to deal.

He plasters an outstretched fake smile on his face, "No, baby.. this is my workplace.. we can have dinner tonight?" he asks.

She raises an eyebrow with her tongue playing on the side of her lip, smiling seductively, satisfied hearing the invitation. "I'd be glad to.. baby..." she says walking to him like a sultry cat.

"I can choose where?" she asks with a voice a bit higher than a whisper as her hand goes and draws circles on Taehyung's chest, her face inches from his.


She moved closer to his ear and whispered, "I'll give you a night you'll never forget." and grabbed Taehyung's not-hard dick and licked his lobe.

Taehyung gasped and stepped back clearing his throat, "Sure." she seemed proud of herself.

"Now, if you could please." Taehyung then escorted her out his office.


"Why are you so dressed up, hyung?" Hobi quizzically asked observing Seokjin from head to foot.

"I told you I was bringing you out to dinner?" Seokjin says loosening his collar a little.

He was wearing a light pink long sleeved collared shirt under a darker muted pink coat. He had a brown leather belt holding up some smart fit light grey pair of slacks that were tapered at the bottom and then brown leather shoes. His hair was also brushed up in an updo showing his smooth and powerful forehead, he looked like a model that just magically walked out of a catalog.

Hobi had a confused look on his face as he glanced down at himself. He was in a huge oversized white shirt that had cartoon characters drawn all over it tucked into some loose denim jeans and white rubber shoes. He also had a bucket hat on with a flower drawn in the middle.

"Uhh.. hyung. Where exactly are we going?" Hobi asks with a bit of worry clutching on to his satchel when Seokjin pulled open the door to his car.

"Just get in. It's a surprise." Seokjin smiles giddily and skipped to the drivers seat after closing Hobi's door after he sat down.

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