Chapter 12 - Saved

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"Just tell me! My wife gave me a fucking STD didn't she!!" a man roars in anger as he slammed his fist on Seokjin's desk.

"Calm down, Mr. Wong. It's not what it seems." Seokjin tries to placate his patient with his hands up.

"That bitch! I know she's been sleeping around with Robert and now! NOW she gave me this!!" Mr. Wong proceeds to punch his own bald head in rage which was turning red with veins popping out.

Seokjin didn't finish his studies as a psychologist but he felt like he was one with most of his patients. A lot of them came to his clinic alone sharing their pains. But beside their pains, they shared their personal lives as well which was all fine and necessary because it does give a doctor insight into one's health and habits. But it often turns to them emotionally spewing out to him more conventionally than he'd like.

Mr. Wong, aged 53, has diabetes, is an ex-member of the *Alcoholics Anonymous society, treats beer as if it were water, has had sex with his 48 year old menopausal wife once in the past 6 months and now believes his wife gave him a sexually transmitted disease.

Beside this knowledge, Seokjin also learned about Mr. Wong's jealously with his best friend Robert (who was divorced and was sleeping around with younger women from clubs) and his wife's friendship. He claims to have seen them smile at each other way longer than necessary and brush arms whenever his friend Robert came to watch football with him at their house... which Seokjin thought was absurd and ridiculous.

"Mr. Wong, I have the urinalysis here in front of me and we've conducted numerous exams showing this is not an STD or anything of the likes for that matter. You have a UTI." Seokjin calmly explains.

"Just a UTI?" Mr. Wong looks up at him with his red face and mocking tone. He reported extreme pain on his lower back and a painful, burning sensation when he pees. He also claimed to have fevers and chills in the past weeks as he felt more fatigued than usual as he's lost interest at times and had to go home to his wife and sleep, instead of hanging out to drink with his friends until an ungodly hour which led him to believe that he was indeed experiencing symptoms of an STD.

Mr. Wong was what Seokjin would categorize as a Class A Problematic Patient. He was the type that seemed to lose his sense of comprehension whenever a professional provides their trustworthy and reliable guidance. He was the type who seemed to know everything about everything in this world which made Seokjin ultimately want to ask who was even the doctor between the both of them. He was the type of patient who wanted to hear what he wanted to hear and nothing else mattered.

"It is, Mr. Wong." Seokjin firmly states.

"But only 3% of men are affected with UTIs every year! There's no way it's only a funcking UTI! Just admit it! She cheated on me!!" Mr. Wong bellows.

Knock Knock

"Is everything okay, Dr. Kim?" Jo's head popped in his clinic.

"Everything's fine, Jo. You can take your break." Seokjin gestures with his facial expressions assuring his assistant that everything was okay. Jo widened her eyes at him and behind Mr. Wong's bald head and Seokjin nodded one more time making her close the door behind her. Mr. Wong's voice must have been loud enough that people could hear him outside of Seokjin's clinic.

Mr. Wong was suddenly quiet as he kept his head down. Seokjin chose to stay silent observing his patient, then suddenly, Mr. Wong sniffed.

Seokjin's eyes widened as he reached for some tissues, his tough angry patient just started crying.

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