Chapter 21 - Take out

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"Hyung, I got you something."

Taehyung walks into Seokjin's office again without knocking like the few other times this week. Namjoon has gone on leave, and he's only been gone for about a week. He was still to stay in Bali with Heji for another three weeks for their vacation. Jo doesn't bother giving him notice because it was Taehyung. There was no need to warn him of his presence because it was his best friend after all.

With Mr. Han's takeout bag in hand, Taehyung brightly strides in with his white lab coat to Seokjin's desk and settles it down. He then began to spread out the food containers onto the desk while the other quickly picked up open folders and closed books and pushed them aside along with his keyboard.

"I figured I'd get our favorites today." he says with a small smile puffing up his cheeks as he peeked down into the bag.

To be honest, Seokjin loved it. He loved Taehyung visiting him in his office before lunch break even starts, bringing him food and spending time together. It's as if they were in their own world as they ate and talked about their patients. Sometimes they would even watch drama episodes on his computer while having lunch or he would let Taehyung watch documentaries with him that exhibited different surgeries and medical issues in his field. He denies it to himself but he secretly made believe it was a small date every time.

"Here's your naengmyun.. and I got myself some japchae.. oh and some fried chicken." Taehyung beams pulling another chair to sit beside Seokjin. His office gradually started to smell like a restaurant and he didn't mind it one bit.

"Japchae again?" Seokjin smiles as he separated hi chopsticks. It was just a a few weeks back, Seokjin was pissed knowing how Taehyung went out with that strange woman from that dating app but Taehyung being all sweet to him all of a sudden made him forget about it, sadly so.

"I don't think I'll ever get sick of it.." Taehyung giggles and separated his own chopsticks. "What are we watching today?"

"Oh, I made this presentation for the new mentees for this upcoming quarter. We can watch this then tell me what you think. After that we can watch whatever you like." he says taking his first bite.


"Okay, you really think it isn't boring?" Seokjin asks after drinking his coke.

"No, I told you. It was quite entertaining. I specially loved the part where you threatened them about attendance with your eyes growing big and that small smile on you face." Taehyung laughs and Seokjin does too. "Were you trying to be intimidating?"

"Jungkook wasn't really making it easy for me and yes I can be intimidating!" Seokjin says sounding offended.

Taehyung was just smiling at him with that huge grin on his face but then it slowly disappeared setting into a dark gaze. Seokjin swallows and diverts his attention back to his computer already seeing his heart beat rapidly on his wrist.

"If you can like you say then.. I want you to try and intimidate me.." Taehyung teases with a purr as he crossed his arms and rests them onto the armrest of Seokjin's chair leaning in and wheeling Seokjin's chair closer to him.

Seokjin's eyes grew wide as he moved his body away from him trying to wheel away. He finally decides to push Taehyung's face with his hand to look away from him. "Stoop.." he groans. His ears started to burn hot with the way Taehyung was teasing him.

He suddenly jumped up from his seat when he felt something warm and wet touch the sensitive middle of his palm. He held his own hand in shock and looked at Taehyung who was still seated looking up at him biting his lower lip with a teasing smile.

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