Chapter 6 - O's

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Another busy week passed and Taehyung was on his way home after having some dinner and watching a game over at Jimin and Jungkook's.

Time after time, Taehyung had asked Seokjin random questions throughout the week trying to be subtle and not make Seokjin realize how much he thinks about that certain thing. He felt like he's already confessed enough the last time they hung out and couldn't risk it, whatever it was.

"... and she told me how much her orgasm was better this time. Those antidepressants really do affect your libido, you know?" Namjoon says one day as they discussed his last patient during lunch.

"You could also possibly advice her to go to some sort of couples counseling or sex therapy maybe..." Seokjin suggests taking a mouthful of rice along with some beef.

"I advised that the last time she visited. Says her husband didn't want to go to no therapy because he wasn't sick." Namjoon rolls his eyes.

"Poor girl." Seokjin says while chewing.

Taehyung's eyes just bounced off from one to the other as they spoke, eating his own beef rice bowl.

"I know. But at least she's getting off now even though as she says, it wasn't as intense like they were before. But I believe she's on the path to getting her high O's like before. I didn't want to prescribe any hormonal medication because she was on her anti-depressants but I'll see what her doctor tells her the next time she visits." Namjoon muses moving his food around neatly pushing food and beef onto his spoon.

"Uh-huh.. Some of my patients get testosterone therapy to restore their sexual vigor but they need that because of aging. " Seokjin says preparing to take another bite.

"How is a woman's orgasm different from a man's tho?" Taehyung casually asks before taking a spoonful. He was already educated with how a woman rides their high with how much experience he's had giving it to them beside his academic knowledge. Everyone is different and every woman dealt with their orgasm in a different way. Some could reach an orgasm with peculiar parts of their bodies aside from their genitalia, some screamed at the top of their lungs, some would cry, some would involuntarily shake, some could squirt and some would do all of it at the same time.

"Oh, good question." Namjoon pauses and leans back on his chair while chewing, eyes concentrated on nothing particular and he recognized this as his friend trying to summarize his thoughts before responding with an elaborate answer. However, Taehyung was actually waiting for Seokjin's response because he already knows that whatever Namjoon says could be nothing different from what he already had in mind.

Taehyung's eyes were glued to an oblivious Seokjin who was purely focused on his food chewing with his cheeks puffed up on one side focused on slicing his beef into bite sized pieces.

"Women and men are all different but we all react similarly. When arousal increases, a person's breathing becomes labored, the heart rate increases and the blood pressure does too. When an orgasm approaches, I feel like men and women feel their muscles twitch or spasm in their genital regions. From my research and what I've experienced with Heji, I could feel the pulse through her walls, like rhythmic muscle spasms. It's similar to what I feel on my groin, it feels good and satisfying, euphoric. Like a few fleeting moments before you land back down from a cloud.. though I can't say more about what Heji feels. I feel like she floats longer than I do." Namjoon shrugs after sharing and then sips some cola.

"Yeah, I know that feeling... And right, it's like they squirm under you longer and you're already over it. I do wonder how they feel like sometimes." Taehyung paused and glanced at Seokjin.

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