Chapter 18 - Hands Free

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The coffee was bitter, too bitter. He hated the taste but Hobi wanted to get them something to drink. The absence of tea made him agree with Hobi's insistence. Taehyung set the cup back down on the table with no intention of finishing it while listening to Hobi share the story about some old couple he and Seokjin witnessed at the movies when they went out.. again.

Seokjin said it wasn't a date and Taehyung didn't know why he needed to ask. He felt relieved and happy that Seokjin was back to the way he usually was but then them spending too much time together was not normal.

It's because Seokjin shouldn't be going out with Hobi because he was in a relationship.. right? Why are they spending too much time together? Taehyung wonders as he watched Seokjin smile at Hobi with fondness dripping from his eyes unknowingly crushing his heart.


"Oooh.. looks like someone's got your attention Teteee.." Hoseok teases while they sat round their table for a quick lunch on another busy work day.

Seokjin glanced at him as he took a spoonful of stew in his mouth. Taehyung was halfway through his meal smiling at his phone typing away with both elbows on the table.

"Just some girl.." he says placing his phone screen down with a smile getting back to his meal.

"Let me see!" Hoseok chirps smiling so wide.

"I don't know why he's spending so much time on that app when he could get any girl." Namjoon states as he ate and Seokjin sat quietly. It stung but, this was good. Taehyung deserves to be with someone who will love him and care for him even if it wasn't himself or his assistant's sister, Naia. In this way, Taehyung won't be such a tempting opportunity like his heart makes him out to be, as if his brain fed him false hopes of something actually developing romantically between them just because his object of affection was single and available. That if he confessed, his feelings would actually be requited.

Yes, he had been spending more time with Hoseok but there was not an hour in a day that he didn't think about Taehyung.

He kept his friendly facade up like he had planned but it was taking Taehyung too long to just go and be in a relationship with someone else that Seokjin's feelings were growing like continuously watered unstoppable weeds in his heart that needed to be raked out of his system.

"Woah? Thumper??" Hoseok giggles looking at the girl's photos on Taehyung's phone.

"Beomgyu told him about the app. I'm telling you there's some weird shit on that thing, I heard stories." Namjoon warns. He didn't like that nurse, that man tried to hit on his wife using his cute face that one time at a program and from then, anything that came out of his mouth was unfavorable to him.

"Whaat.. I just want to find someone.. adventurous.." Taehyung snorts then smirks wiggling his eyebrows at Namjoon.

"But that won't guarantee you a relationship, Taehyungie.." Seokjin groans in a silly manner yet he was truly frustrated.

"Just let me have some fun, hyung." Taehyung says with a small smile acting as if he was okay.

Ever since Seokjin and Hoseok had been practicing tennis alone together after work, he then always took his lunch breaks together with the receptionist instead of him and Namjoon, making them both come and leave the cafeteria earlier. He also didn't sit next to him as frequent as before. Taehyung would butt in and join them during tennis practice unannounced at times but things felt a bit different, it was as if Seokjin was tolerating his presence and it made him feel adrift. It was whatever, he didn't want to dwell on it. Seokjin was still friendly with him and Taehyung didn't want to be bothered with the uneasy feeling inside him. As long as they were .. okay, then he should be fine.

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