Chapter 17 - Intolerance

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tw: homophobia 

"Here, hyung.." Hobi reaches out a bottle of water to a red faced exhausted Seokjin then sat beside him drinking from his own water bottle.

"Thanks, Bie." Seokjin says looking up after wiping sweat off his face. They both spent about two hours playing tennis and Seokjin was thankful Taehyung seemed to have other plans.

Hoseok sighs staring up at a dark sky above them while Seokjin slapped his leg because of a thirsty mosquito. Hoseok had been quiet the whole time they have played aside from his grunts as he would swing his racket rather harshly. Seokjin has had to chase that neon ball with much effort, sometimes diving with his racket onto the grass off the court. Seokjin could sense that he was pissed and didn't find it appropriate to ask while Hobi had a racket grasped in his hand. But now that he was calmer and freed from his frustrations, Seokjin decided to ask.

"You had quite an arm there tonight.. hehe.." Seokjin starts as he rests his elbows leaning back on the steps of the bleachers behind him as they both sat there.

Hobi chuckles and wipes his towelette from his face up to his hair knowing how Seokjin noticed he was off.

"Ahh.. hyung.. " Hobi whines a little scrunching his nose. "I was just honing your agility.."

"Are you saying I'm slow??"

Hobi snorts, wrinkles form beside his eyes.

"No really, Bie. Is there something wrong?" Seokjin asks, his hand goes to rest on Hobi's back, a comforting gesture. He has gotten more confident around Hoseok these days. He didn't stutter as much, he could breathe around him and be more like himself without being too self aware and always trying to put his best foot forward.

Practicing for the mini tennis competition has granted Seokjin more and more time alone with Hoseok, something he's always wished to have. But now that he's got it, the feeling has been a bit underwhelming. Sure, he was still happy to see Hobi and spend time with him but the anticipation was not the same as it used to.

"Hyung.. I haven't spoken to Jackson for about.. a month now.. " Hoseok says staring at the ground, he sighs. "We got into an argument about.. you know.. that guy?" Hoseok turns and looks at Seokjin for confirmation that he still remembers him.

"Oh? What happened?" Seokjin asks. It was the same guy that Hobi's been suspicious about the last time they spoke.

Hoseok sighs again, deflating even more onto his seat. "So, I don't know how it happened but I guess I was at my limit and I kind of just blatantly told him to why not spend more time with that Jinyoung guy because he was fucking telling me that he was getting bored of our dumb video calls."

Seokjin paused for a second looking at him with concern, "He didn't say that.." Seokjin says.

"Tsk... He didn't.. but his actions can't lie! As you would expect from long distance relationships, hyung.. We kind of lost things to talk about.. he was playing games on his phone while he was talking to me and I think he's talking to someone else because he smiles out of no where! I just know he's typing on his phone while having our video open. I would always end up being the one asking him about his day and opening up topics to talk about and and.. I'm getting tired, hyung.." Hobi says as a tear came sliding down his cheek. He hastily wiped it away with his hand as he turns trying to hide his face from Seokjin.

It clenched Seokjin's heart seeing Hobi cry like this, his face turns red, his brows downcast and eyes fill up with tears as he sniffs with his body shaking.

But, I'm Not Gay | TaejinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz