Wish I Were

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One month later

"Apologies NOW,Y/N!" To be honest the principle wasn't what I expected him to be. He was small and shorter,younger and kinda cute, like a toddler.

"No, he deserved to get pu-OUCH!" The nurse was trying to clean up the blood on my knuckles. They said I fractured a my knuckles, I'm taking that as a trophy for winning my first fight.

"I'm not asking! Now apologize to Kai and his family" Kai was was with his parents in the principals office. I was in here with my mom. She hadn't said anything to me. I know she's disappointed but I wasn't the one who started it but I did finish it!

"What I do to his family?"

"Waste their time" They haven't even heard my side of the story yet. All they know is the lies that Kai and his friends told everyone. If they would just check the cameras they would see it was him who throw the first punch.

"They should be apologizing to Jennie, they raised a piece of shit who beats her"

"Lies!" Kai came into and it took everything I had not to get up and strangle this boy but my mother was here.

"Then ask her where all those bruises come from!"

"Y/N just apologize" She had finally spoken to me and her tone was calm. She was upset which I already knew but her body language seemed more uncomfortable. I looked over to Mrs.Kim who was glaring at my mother and I understood why my mother acted the way she did.

"I'm sorry Mr and Mrs.Kim for wasting your time" I walked up to the Kim's and bowed to them. I remember Jisoo told me that's what Koreans to when apologizing. I heard Mr.Kim scoff and I felt my palm itching to give him a matching broken noise too his son.

They waited to me to apologize to Kai which wasn't going to happen. I looked over to him and smirked seeing the large blood stain on his shirt.

"I'm not saying sorry to him" I grabbed my stuff and left. I waited out in the parking lot for my mom. She came out running which made me lock myself inside the car.

"Get out here!" I knew I wouldn't win so I decided to simply give up and take my whooping. To my surprise she hugged me.

"Let's go home, your dads waiting" Shit!

"So did you win?" I thought he would be upset but he seemed happy that I got into a fight.


"What? I used to be a great boxer in my day, I want to know if it got passed down" This is the first time I've seen my parents house after helping them with the move. I could tell the mom hired a designer to help decorate the house. It looked like something out of a magazine.

"You boxed?"

"Yeah, It's one of the reason you mom fell in love with me"

"No it was not" It felt nice to spend a little time with them. Since they moved I hadn't visited them. I was either studying for test or working.

"You loved that I was a bad boy" My mother rolled her eye at my father. They never talked about how they got together. Makes me curious.

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