But You Like Her Better

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Kai's POV

"Sir can I talk to you?"

"What is it Jongin" his voice was deep and unsteady. I knew he was drunk but I needed his permission to go on the senior trip.

"Well there is this class trip and I wan-"

"No!" He slammed his hands on his desk. I slowly backed away from him but he noticed and rushed towards me, pining me against the wall. His smell almost made me gag in front of him, I would've died if I had.

"You gonna run away just like she did" My mother, she left years ago and even after his marriage to my stepmother he hasn't moved on. Jessica was a wonderful women and raised me well but I knew she only married this man from his money.

"No sir I just wanted to check out the colleges"

"College?" He stepped back and sat down in one of his chairs. I was finally able to breath and I continued with my lie

"Yeah I heard they have great programs and I wanted to tour the campus" he seemed a bit calmer and took the slip from my hands. Once he handed it back signed I rushed towards my room and hid in my closet. I pulled out my teddy bear my mother gave to me and hugged it as I cried. I thought he was gonna hit me again, I know that I'm 18 now but still, this man has been my fear since I was 7.

While I calmed down I heard my phone ringing
It was my girlfriend

"Hey Jennie"

"Hey I'm bored come over"

"I don't think I can"

"Come on Chungha went out with Y/N and I'm all alone" I ended up going but there was no way I would go back downstairs. I had to pass his office to get out the door so I climbed out the window and drove off. Before getting to Jennie's house I pass the store to pick up some of her snacks and I bumped into Y/N!


"Hey Ka- wait are you alright?"

"Yeah why do you ask"

"Your eyes are all puffy and red" I looked my self in the glass and she was right. I was all red, I guess I should've washed my face before going out.

"Yeah just had a small thing with my dad but I'm all good now"

"Are you sure? If you want we can talk about it"

"You with your girlfriend"

"Yeah but I'm pretty sure she'll understand"
Tempting but I had to get to Jennie. I declined and left to Jennie. When I got there she seemed a bit upset that I took my beautiful time like she said. Our relationship seemed a bit off for a while and I'm guessing it's because the whole Y/N love triangle thing. We talked it out but I'm still worried that at anytime Jennie will leave me for her. I guess thats something similar I have with my father,Abandonment issues. Jennie said that she has no feelings for her but I could tell the was a lie.

She just isn't the same when she's around. She's usually all cuddles and love when we're alone but with Y/N all her attention is towards her. I remember when I told her about us hanging out at the record shop she flipped out. I thought it was because she didn't want me getting close to girls, she just didn't want me anywhere near HER girl.

"Kai are you listening" I looked over at her and her eyes wear glued to her phone. I looked like she was the one who wasn't listening.

"Yeah I told you that he signed it"

"Good because I don't know if I could survive all the boredom alone" she kissed my cheek and ran off into the bathroom. I just laid on her bed enjoying the quiet house but then I head some voices outside. I got up and looked out the window, it was Y/N again. She's probably dropping off Chungha.

"Oh Romeo where are thou Romeo" she was startled by my voice but once she released who I was she played along

"Shall I hear more of shall I speak at this" she walked closer to the window. I looked back making sure Jennie would see this. Chungha makes sure as long as she's around Jennie could have no interactions with Y/N.

"Sorry I forgot the rest" she laughed at me

"It alright I'm kinda shocked that I remembered this much" I can see why the sisters like this girl so much. She was kind sweet and funny.

"Well blessed night Juliet" she walked away and got into her car. As she drove away the silence that once calmed me made me feel lonely.

"A good night indeed" I whispered to my self as I looked into the stars.

"What are you doing" I turned around and there was my girlfriend. I walked towards her and hugged her tightly. I'm afraid that I'll lose you Jennie but if you really have to go I would be glad that you would go to her. Because I know that she would cherish you in a million ways more then I could.

"Why are to you so cuddly today?" She tried pushing away but I would move. I really needed a hug right now. I picked her up and placed her on the bed. Then I payed my head on her stomach drifting off to sleep.

"Kai get off your heavy" she pushed my off and this time I let her. I got up and walked towards her kitchen where I saw Chungha staring out the window.

"First her and now you, I didn't know that catching the fish I would be bringing in the whole ocean with me"

"What?" Haven't heard that analogy before, even if I had I'm not entirely sure she's saying it right.

"You like her too, don't you?" I was taken back but that moment at the window would give the impression that I did have feelings. I love Jennie I know that but Y/N is just so different she doesn't fit my ideal type yet here I am playing Romeo and Juliet with her.

"No I just envy her" Envy? Why would I envy her if I hold everything she had? Is it because I truly don't hold Jennie's heart?

"Bull" I could tell she wasn't angry but more afraid. I knew what that looked like even if it's hid every well.

"Believe what you want but I don't like her the way you think, she just makes me happy"

"She makes everyone happy theses days"

"Yeah" I walked away but I stopped when I heard her voice. This time it was shaking.

"Just please promise that it won't got past friendship, I can't fight off the both of you" I walked back to her and pulled her into my arms. I looked into her eyes and saw the same fear I had in mine. The fear of the person we trust with our hearts had already given theirs away.
We loved them but we'll never come close to their fantasies. Cause no matter what I do you'll always like her better.

Not You | JENNIEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora