Just Polyester

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"So have you thought where you want to go after school?" All students had to talk to our counselor about or after school plans. I'm still not sure what I wanted to do. Tony said I should try and pursue music but seems like a long shot.

"Not really. I wanted to help my parents out with their business but I'm not sure"

"You have outstanding grades and you could easily get recommendations from your teacher so where ever you decided to go you'll do great"
I thanked her and walked out of her office.

I continued to my next class which was gym.
We were gonna be playing soccer, I don't usually play but the girls encouraged me to join.
It was all going well until Jennie's class decided to join ours. They were usually inside so it was a surprise when they came out.

I kept bumping into her or tripping around her.
She tried to stop herself from laughing but failed miserably.

"It's not funny"

"You fell 5 times in 10 minutes" She was right, I just forgot how to stand. Lately I've been extremely nervous around Jennie. Chungha had been telling me about all the fights her and Jennie have been having. She's also been extremely flirty during the classes we have together. Blowing me kisses or winking whenever our eyes meet.

"Break up with her" We were in the locker room and I was finishing getting dressed when Jennie came up and slammed my locker shut.

"Don't want too" I opened it but she slammed it shut again this time spinning me around and pushing me against them.

"Why?" She wrapped her arms around my neck

"Because I'm happy with her" I tried to move her but she just wouldn't budge.

"She doesn't deserve you"

"And you do?"

"I do" she stood on her toes to whisper into my ear. This girl really knows how to push me off the edge.

"Fuck you"I spin us around and pinned her. She let out a small gasp. I'm gonna regret all of this.

I kissed her. The kiss was rough, I let my hands fall to her legs lifting to up. She wrapped her legs around me and I started leaving kisses down her neck.

"Baby" she moaned into my ear. If it wasn't for the bell I would've probably continued. I put her down and ran out of the locker room.

My first kiss with Jennie. It wasn't all that I thought it was gonna be. It was just simple, no fireworks or trumpets playing in my mind. Yeah it was very intense but that wasn't what I wanted.

It felt like nothing.

When school was over she was waiting for me at my car. She looked really good leaning on it.
Sexy girl and sexy car. The perfect match.

"Are you gonna tell me what the kiss meant" she pulled me into her and I noticed the sweater she was wearing. It was the same one she lent me. I grabbed onto it and played with it. I can't believe this stupid piece of polyester got me so excited.

"Get back with Kai and stay the hell away from me" I got into my car and drove off. She kept calling but I ignored her then eventually blocked her number. Then I got a text from Kai saying that he was gonna skip smoothies because Jennie and him were going to talk about their relationship. That kiss is gonna come back and haunt me but that's fine. Just a few months and I'll be out of here. Away from everything and everyone.

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