Holding Your Hand

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Chungha's POV

"Where are you going?" I had just come home from work to find Jennie rushing around the house.

"I need to work on my project" she was about to leave but I slammed the door and pulled her back into the living room

"With my girlfriend right"

"This again"

"Its midnight and you going to work on a project. Sounds like total bullshit"

"She was mine first" this girl doesn't know when to stop.

"She was never yours, why can't you let us be happy"

"You think she's happy with you. You're a stripper,slut, whore you name it that's all you'll ever be"


"Bitch!" She lunges at me and knocked me over. I started to pull her hair and this went on for a few minutes before our parents came out and pulled us away.

"Girls! What is the matter with you" my father was holding me while Jennie's mother was trying to calm her crying child

"It's all her fault she's trying to steal my girlfriend"

"She loves me"I was going to jump back at her but my father held on to me and whispered in my ear

"Honey this isn't you. I know it hard but please let it go, for me" I got up and turned around. I kissed my father on his head and held him close

"This is the last time I walk away for you daddy" I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. I never understood why I have to be the one to walk away. Jennie is this old enough to hear the word no.

Just like when we had to stay here in this town. Jennie didn't want to come and live with us because she didn't want to leave her friends but I had too. he asked me to just let it go so I moved out.

Or when Jennie told everyone that I was a slut because I danced on a pole instead of a stage with a tutu on. I danced to live but it didn't matter. He still asked me to let it go because he loved her.

"Annie! Thought you were tired" I went back to work and I was surprised that it was still so full.

"Suga, I just want to get wasted" he handed me a glass of Bourbon but I knew this wasn't gonna be enough

"Is it that evil step sister of yours"he laughed and walked around the bar handing me a key

"Then take whatever you want free of charge"


"Anything for my best dancer" I walked to the back where he keeps everything and took a few boxes and decided I'll just go home and drink all of this alone on my bed.

"Need help" I turned around and it was Kai

"Not from you" I got into my car but he got in too

"Come on do be like that. I get why your mad at Jennie but why me"

"Because I saw the was you looked at Y/N"
I rolled my eyes at him

"How?" This body it too pretty to be this stupid

"With love and I just can't fight with anyone"

"I don't love her"

"Don't lie to me"

"I'm not" we started to raise our voice attracting the attention of many other outside of the building



"What" I was taken back at his words. I've heard a bunch of excuses but this ones new.

"It's was a few months ago when I started dating Jennie, Y/N was the only thing that she talked about. It pissed me off so I became friends with her and I saw nothing. She was just an average girl who will never amount to the things I would. I was better in every way and I still could get Jennie to look at me the way she looked at her"


"I even tried to make Jennie jealous be flirting with her but none of it worked. She only kissed me when she was sure Y/N was watching. I'm pretty sure our whole relationship was a joke to make Y/N jealous"
I held his hand, he was shaking. I felt bad that I was yelling at him but at the same time I'm not sure I totally understand this.

"Kai, Jennie really did like you. You're the first boy she actually considered having a future with. You're you first for a lot of things." I remember when Jennie came home that day, she looked like someone had slipped something into her smoothie; she was a giggles and happiness she looked drunk. She sat down and talked about her the hottest boy in school asked her out.

"She probably wished I was her. Every kiss,touch,and sweet word we're probably all meant for her.I was just her replacement" What he said got to me. Did Y/N use me like a replacement for Jennie. I felt like crying with him but I didn't. This boy was crying in my car made me feel like I had to take care of him. We had similar problems and we needed to help each other.

"Do you want to come over and talk about it a bit more?" I wiped the tears from the boys face

"What about Jennie?"and he wiped the one the had fallen from mine.

"She's with Y/N" I pulled out of the parking lot and drove back to my apartment.

"Are you letting them be friends again?"

"I don't have a choice. But I've given up on her now, Jennie as claimed her and now she'll never be mine"

"Funny isn't it" when we got there I had to make sure everyone was out of the house. I didn't want anyone to judge me for getting wasted in front of a child.

"What" we walked to the living room and continued our conversation as we chugged down all the beers I brought.

"Both the people we tried so hard to be with are probably sucking each other's faces off"

"Don't even say it" my head was slowly started to fill with images of the both.

"It hurts but it's true" I laughed at the way his words where slowly slurred. I can't believe I gave alcohol to a minor.

"Do you think that its us" I looked at him and I felt the tears roll down my cheek again.

"Hell no, it's always been their story so they're responsible for all of this" he held my head up as he kissed my head.
I don't know if it was the family issues,relationship problems or the alcohol that gave me to courage to grab his hand to pull him into a long kiss. He lifted me up and sat me on his lap as our kiss dipped. When we pulled apart I got up and held his hand as I led him into my room making the worse mistake of my life.

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