Me In Your Sweater

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I couldn't sleep. Those numbers haunted my brain all night, I even wrote them down multiple times in my notebook . Why is it that I can remember everything about her but can never answer 3 questions during my math test?

If Jennie was a subject I would be top of the class. I knew so much about her but to her I'm a stranger who she's barely getting to know. If only we could've met years ago we would have more time but we only have a few months until high school ends and we leaves for college.

"Hey Y/N, over here!" It was Lisa walking with Chaeyoung and I noticed they were holding hands. They couldn't be dating, I barely saw her yesterday. And I know Lisa is fast but not that fast

"Hey Lisa!" I walked over to them, almost laughing at the goofy grin Lisa had
"who is this?" I asked acting stupid, more then I already am

"This is a friend of mine Chaeyoung, her car broke down this morning so she called me to give her a ride" she pulled out some keys which  I recognize immediately, those were her brother BamBam's keys. If he finds out he'll kill her.

"So do you know what's wrong with your car"
When I asked she kinda looked confused, having some trouble with answering the question. Lisa eventually answered for her.

"She said something about it not starting but that not important right now. We need to hurry and get you to class so you won't miss that test" I looked at Lisa who had a nice grin on her face. Made me a bit suspicious, Lisa would never stoop that low as to damage Chaeyoung car. Right?

"If you want I could check it out" I turned my attention back to Chaeyoung and asked her expression wasn't shocked but more worried. Do I really look that unreliable? I wouldn't call myself a well trained mechanic but I'm not clueless? Have some faith Rosie.

"You fix cars?"

"My dad owns a shop not to far from here, so I picked up a few things over the years. I can check it out and see what I can do for you" her face goes a bit pale, maybe I shouldn't be wondering what Lisa did or if there even was something wrong with her car.

"I really don't want to trouble you" She was hiding behind Lisa, which she loved. Gosh couldn't they just date already?

"It's cool Rosie,Y/N does mind right? After school we can head to your place and she'll check it out, so let's get going before class starts we don't want you missing that test" Lisa winked at Chaeyoung and gave me a thumbs up before walking away with her.

What I find funny is that Chaeyoung and I have first period together. The test isn't until next week. I laughed to myself and headed into the building. When I finally made it to my locker I saw Seulgi spacing out.
"Hey bud whatcha looking at" I opened the locker ,putting my things up and grabbing what I need for the day. She didn't answer but just leans her head against the locker. Letting out a horrid sigh

"When the hell did they start dating?" I looked in that direction, my jaw dropped. Irene and Jin were next to the water fountain kissing.
I look at Seulgi and he emotionless face told me everything I needed to know and more. Our teddy bear had been shattered. I slammed the locker shut making her jump up, then pulled her away from them. 

"Y/N class is that way"  she had cracks in her voice. I knew Seulgi and she hated crying especially in public, so I had to find somewhere she could cry in peace.

"We're not going to class"

"Y/N I'm fine" she pulls away from me starting to walk in towards the opposite direction

"No you're not, now stop being you for a second and come with me" I grab her hand and I could see some of the tears coming out. I looked back,  seeing Jin and Irene we're heading over here. I picked her up just started running in any other direction. She kept kicking and yelling but I didn't put her down until I found a place that was empty.

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