Second Day, Part 1

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Amity opened her eyes and felt the unfamiliar sensation around her. Her mind slowly stirs as she feels around the sheets. "Wha... This isn't my bed..." she yawns, "Oh, right. I was in a hotel and then..."

Groggily, she lifts her head and rubs her eyes. Her vision blurs slightly before bringing the room into focus. Luz's room. Oh, the memories finally caught up with her as she stretched out her arms, that's right, I'm staying over at her place. And I was just sleeping in the same room with... The color rises in her cheeks at the realization that Luz is sleeping on the floor by the bed. Amity couldn't help to wonder what sleeping Luz would look like. Would it be cute? No, she can imagine her looking sloppy and drooling on her sleeping mat. Still, Amity couldn't help but to satiate this curiosity of hers. She crawls forward and peers over the edge only to find the mat empty.

Oh, is she already up? Then where-

She turned to her left and found herself looking directly at a human girl holding a phone up between them. "Boop," Luz triggers her camera and snaps a shot of closed-up Amity.

"Ahh!" Amity jumps back and pulls on the covers up to her face.

"Sorry! I couldn't resist missing out on 'Bed hair Amity,'" Luz explains then shows her the photo. Saved for the tomato color on her face, her hair actually looked more stylized than messy. "Look how cute it is, it's like you just got back from a hair stylist."

"I am not-! You better not put that on Penstagram or I'm calling my siblings to come pick me up!"

"No, I wouldn't! I'll delete it! See?" Luz quickly taps onto her phone and shows her the gallery album as proof. Amity says nothing and crosses her arms but her expression relaxes. "I was going to wake you to ask what kind of breakfast you'd like, but you just got up and I... couldn't resist, sorry."

Amity looks away and crosses her arms, "Just... don't do it again. And I'm fine with whatever."

"Pancakes it is!" Luz beams and dramatically marches to the door, but before she could leave she sticks her head back in and asks, "Oh, did you sleep well last night? And... is it any better than some five-star hotel?"

Amity rolls her eyes and scoffs, "I never told you it was some extravagant place. But... yeah, I did. And, it is."

Luz grins and closes the door behind her. Amity takes a moment to herself and relaxes back into bed. The same bed Luz's been sleeping right before she showed up. It's definitely not the same bed as her's back at home. It's pretty stiff, the sheets don't breathe much, and it's probably stolen from somewhere. And yet, it couldn't feel any more comforting.

Amity lifts the covers above her head as her mind begins to wander. She doesn't know why but she wonders how come it doesn't seem to have any smell. Not that she's saying Luz smells. In fact, what does Luz smell like? She brings it to her nose and takes in a deep whiff.

Her eyes shot open and she immediately threw the covers off of her, "And I just did something that will haunt me for the rest of my life."


"Due to the oncoming weather, recent criminal activities, and a freak piranha accident, the fair will unfortunately be canceled for the week. We will now turn to our local weatherman outside who is still currently screaming in agony-" Eda switches the channel and takes a sip from her coffee. The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs pulled her attention to Amity waving while still rubbing her eyes with her other hand.

"Morning sleepyhead. I figured a prep like you would be the first one up," said Eda before taking another sip.

"Morning Ms. Eda. I like to thank you for letting me stay over for the week. It's really nice of you."

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