Third Day, Part 1

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"I want all walls covered, top to bottom, and even the hard-to-reach places. If you want to please me, then you better work like your life depends on it!" shouted Eda from below the ladder.

At top, one of the frog brothers, Tibs, is frantically dipping his brush into the paint can then carefully applies it to the side of the house. "Yes ma'am! You won't catch me cutting any corners here!" he proudly exclaims, "Me and my bro couldn't thank you enough for giving us another chance!"

"Oh please, who could say no to free labor?" she chuckles under her breath and drains the last drop of her coffee, "Now that your boss is counting his days behind bars, aren't you both concerned that he already ratted you out?"

"We already ran over to our place and cleaned it out. We're gonna bounce out of town and try that 'laying low' thing you do. We'll just get what needs to be done here first before we go. Leaving matters behind wouldn't sit well with me and Ribs."

An admirable trait she admits, Eda would've bailed if the situation was reversed. She looks back down at her empty mug still feeling the morning lag. "I'm going back inside for a refill and will check on you later, keep an eye on that paint can at all times, got it?"

"Paint can?" Tibs wondered what she meant before looking down to find it missing. He hears the sound of sloshing and slurping and turns to see Hooty with his head inside the now empty paint bucket.

"What the-Hooty! Quit eating all of my paint!"

The owl whips his head back to throw out the can and reveal his white coated feathers. He burps and lets out a funny laugh, "I can see sounds, hoot hoot!"

"That's the toxins talking, man! Do you even have a stomach to pump!? Hey-hey, get away from me! Hooty!" The Frogman grabs onto the wall as Hooty dives and knocks down his ladder. Tibs screams as his grip falters and he falls down from the second floor past the boarded window to the bathroom where Amity is currently inside.

She looks over wondering what the noise was before shrugging it off as a trick of the mind. "Okay, you can do this. It's like what Eda said, just yank the band-aid off," Amity gives herself another minute to touch up her hair in front of the bathroom mirror then turns her back against the door.

She draws a magic glyph and watches the purple slime flow out of the floorboards and rise up into the air, convulsing and converging until it forms into a humanoid being. It lets out a low grunt then reaches into its stomach and pulls out a picture of Luz to hold with both hands.

Amity folds her hands together and takes in a deep breath, "Luz! Hey, so I uh... I've been thinking about you lately-not you! I mean I was but you see I was thinking of... wow I am bad at this."

"uuuUUUugh" nodded the golem.

"You shut your mouth," Amity snaps.

"You know what they say about opposites attract... that's uh, how magnets work, hehe..."

"So you can study every coven at Hexside? If you're interested in my course, I don't mind giving you some private lessons-why did I say private!? I'm not insinuating anything! Honest!"

"What's your favorite type of pie?" she snaps her fingers and points, "Mine is cutie pie... how's that?" The Abomination shakes its head in disgust.

Amity leans against the sink and crosses her arms, "Oh, hey Luz. What's that? You want to hang out? Sorry, I'm playing hard to get right now so I'm just going to pretend that I got better things to do than to-" The Abomination drew little tear dots with its slimy finger. "Ah! No, don't cry! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry!"

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