First Day, Part 1

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Special thanks to Solidusgabo and Lexa_Alycia for helping this story with the Spanish parts. For those who have offered to help but has yet to receive a response, please know that I very much appreciate your offer and touched for the generosity from my readers. I will not contact outside of , AO3, and Wattpad to ensure my privacy. Thank you again, you all are truly wonderful!

"All of my training and all of my strength has prepared me for this moment. The test to prove my worthiness as King. I will show them all the fruits of my labor!" The King of Demons arches his arm back and closes his eyes. He takes in a long draw of breath before exhaling, then with all of his might and precision, he releases the orb from his hands.

That proceeded to fly straight over the fish bowls, missing all of them entirely.

"Oh come on!" King shrieked.

The booth attendant lets out a hearty laugh stirring more ire in the tiny demon. King points at the monster and shouts, "This game is rigged!"

"Of course it's rigged, but none of your attempts even attested that!" the man wipes a tear from his eye, "Hearing you scream is making my day, so I'll give you three more tries. Heck, why not five? It's not like you were getting any closer."

King lets out a growl but grabs another ball. Luz walks over holding two ice cream cones just in time to see the ball sail pathetically past it's intended goal and hit the target of the dunking booth across from them.

"Dang it!" King screamed.

"Hey buddy, why don't you take a little break. I got us some ice cream." Luz handed one of them to her friend.

"I can't! This is a matter of pride! And I need to have one of these minions added to my army! We are lacking in Naval firepower, after all."

Luz looks over at the board to the game booth that states: 'Sink the ball into one of the bowls and win a free Piranha (Note: Do not attempt to retrieve the ball from the bowl).'

"Want me to give it a shot? I'm pretty good at these types of games," Luz offered.

"I said it's a matter of pride! This is a battle I have to win," said King.

Luz smiles and decides to go with another approach instead. She makes a curtsy bow and says, "Then, would the Ruler of all Demons prefer to choose me as his champion in this bout?"

King paused and rubs his chin at the idea, "As my champion? You get to fight and I get all the credit? I can work with that!"

Luz hands over her ice cream to King and reaches into her pockets, "How much?"

"Your funny little bone guy has been keeping me entertained for this past hour, so I'll give you three free tries."

"Oh, thanks!" Luz picks up the ball and gauges the distance with her thumb. "Now you see, King. The trick here is that you want to go for an underhanded throw so it'll arc. You got to be gentle."

She tosses the ball lightly with King taking scared licks of both ice creams watching it rise and descend into one of the fishbowls. When suddenly the piranha jumps out of the bowl and smacks the ball with its tail with incredible force back at Luz, smacking her in the head and sending her tumbling to the ground. A shower of papers exploded from her bag she was carrying by the impact.


The attendant lets out another laugh, "AHAHAHA! That's the rigged part! Ahahahaha! Hooo! I am, like, the worst guy in this fair."

"Are you okay? Is it alright for me to start laughing yet?" King concernedly asked.

"I'm alright..." Luz reassured before looking at the ground of the stuff that spilled from her bag. Her eyes widened when she recognized some of the papers with drawings on them. Magical glyph drawings.

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