Fifth Day, Part 3

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"Hey, Amity?"

"Yes, Luz?"

"Is everything really alright with you?"

"Of course," the Copy feigns the offense in her tone, "What makes you think otherwise?"

"Oh nothing... I thought we agreed this whole dating was supposed to be a little discreet?" Luz reminded the girl who is wrapped around her arm with her head leaning against her shoulder.

The Copy shrugs and clings a little tighter, "Oh don't worry, even friends can be this close."

"I... don't actually have enough social experience to deny that," Luz admitted. But given how Amity reacts by the slightest touch would have her getting flustered, it seems strange of her to suddenly not have a problem with it and acting a little 'lovey-dovey.' Maybe that's just how people are during dates?

It's been roughly an hour since their encounter with Boscha today. They drop into the area where they're serving carnival food for lunch. Luz went with something light or whatever you could get that isn't fried, sugar-coated, or high in calories. They took their seats on a public table to give her feet a break from all the walking and running. 'Amity' didn't get anything for herself as she sits across the table and rests her head on her hands to longingly gaze at her.

Luz mistakes her attention being focused on the half-eaten pretzel on her hands and offers it to her, "You hungry?"

"Nope, just... taking in the view."

View? They're in a middle of public eating space surrounded by abandoned tables with food, overstuffed garbage bins, and an ungodly amount of litter on the ground. "Okay... but are you sure? You haven't had anything to eat since this morning."

"Oh, I'm just not feeling hungry is all."

"Amity, we carried around Eda's stuff for her shop all morning, walked around a lot, AND even had to run for our lives. All you had today was a bowl of cereal."

The Copy hesitates to answer because it is incapable of eating or drinking anything. It couldn't even fake it for if it even tries to the food in its body will likely cause problems since illusions lack inner parts.

"That's... that's because I was hoping we could... make dinner tonight? With you?"

Luz frowns at the Copy's response, making it fear that she might've see through the lie. Her expression then squirms a bit at the memory of Amity's first night and tries to stifle a giggle. "You want to give it another shot?" she asks, "That's fine, but you shouldn't starve yourself for that!"

"You know what they say, the hungrier you are the better it tastes!" the Copy sheepishly shrugs. Luz shakes her head and continues to chow down her pretzel. It was a close call but what will excuse would it have later? If it can't eat in front of Luz then how is it expected to pull this ruse off forever?

The logic part of Amity's brain is telling her to give up. Illusions can stay in this realm forever. But watching Luz gnawing on that pretzel like a dog chewing on a stick made overwhelms her with irrational love and admiration. I'll figure it out, the Copy said in her mind. After all, there's not a ghost of a chance for her to come back.


With his master gone, Owlbert is given freedom to explore the town and search for whatever goodies it has in store for him. Despite numerous times Eda tries to tell him not to eat whatever junk food he finds, the little Palisman couldn't help himself when the smell of carnival food reaches him.

Learning his lesson from the last time he tried to swipe a meal right out of their grasp, Owlbert perches himself on the roof of a game booth and carefully watches the people below. A certain man walking around with a hot dog caught his eye, noticing it being half eaten yet the person doesn't seem interested in finishing it.

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