Fourth Day, Part 2

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"Oh crud. Oh crud! Oh CRUD!" King hastily scoops up the Abomination concoction back into the pot. His eyes quickly dart to the stairs to watch out for either Amity or Luz to come down and see the mess he caused. Keeping his ears perked for any sounds from upstairs, King cleans up the spills before getting to the purple substance.

Fortunately for him, the abomination goop doesn't stick to anything and easily slides off the surface of the table and even from the floor. He arranges the bottles back to their positions from what he could remember, and the other materials laid out too.

King lies out the area as exactly as it was. He couldn't do anything about the chemicals and potions being smaller than before. He can only hope they won't be able to notice.

But the real issue is where all those contents have ended up in. King nervously stares at the pot containing their project he had carelessly ruined. Remembering the warnings Amity had given to Luz, he wonders if he should just fess up now.

"Oh," King groans at the dilemma, "Maybe it won't be so bad! Abominations are just giant dumb creatures. Slaves without all the moral conflictions that makes it weird!" But even he couldn't convince himself after seeing what they are capable of with a proper witch controlling them. What if it goes on a rampage? What if it attacks Luz and Amity?

But they'll think he did it on purpose because of their fight. Who would believe him falling off the couch and bumping into the table as an excuse? Luz got really mad at him for snapping at Amity. How would she react to him ruining their project?

"No," King shakes his head, "I should still tell her, this stuff could be dangerous. But... Amity did say it could just be a small mess too. If that's the case, then they'll just think they messed up and move on. Yeah, no harm in that. If something goes wrong, then I'll just fess up! Haha... ha..."

He sighs and hunches over in defeat, "Some friend I am... I should just tell her..."

"King?" Luz's voice calls from atop the stairs, "Is that you?"

The little demon panics and hurriedly scans around for the available exits. The kitchen can't work. She might be able to see him. He can't go out the front door either, she'll hear Hooty hollering. The only solution he could decide on in the small window of time is to dive and squeeze underneath the couch.

Luz makes her way down expecting to see King waiting for her. She frowns, seeing the little guy nowhere in sight, but could have sworn she heard his voice. "Right..." Luz sighs, "Guess he's still avoiding me..."

King stifles any noise from his mouth and carefully breathes through his nose. He watches Luz walking around the couch before sitting down at the spot right above him. The slight indent from the weight presses down on his back, but King silently takes the pressure without making a peep.

Luz felt the slight stiffness in the seat but shrugs it off, being a new couch and all. She glances back up the stairs knowing Amity still being up there taking a call from her family. Luz turns back at the table and rests her head onto her arm.

"Guess it's just you and me then," she said to the closed pot containing the Abomination, "Not that you're alive since Amity has yet to drop that wake-up juice in you."

King felt the pressure of her weight increasing as Luz tucks her legs to her chest. He lets out a silent gasp for air but still refuses to move or come out.

Luz sighs, unaware of her body weight pressing down on him. "I could really use someone to talk to though. I don't want to bother Eda with this kind of stuff again and I don't think King is still in a mood to talk... So far, things seem to be going great between me and Amity. Here we are. Talking about things, working together, and saying cute things like we're flirting... oh gosh we are flirting."

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