Fifth Day, Part 4

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Amity watches stall owners pack up their wares and head home for the day. Friends and family walk towards the exit, chattering away. Even the sun is beginning its descent from the sky, wrapping up probably the worst first date ever.

"This sucks," Amity mutters.

"Sorry for the wait!" Luz bounces over to the sulking girl sitting on the table holding a large paper plate covered with another plate as a lid. She carefully places it on the table and takes off the lid with an exuberant "Voila!"

Amity casts a small glance at the plate before eyes widen at the sight of the toppings on the funnel cake. Chocolate spread, caramel drizzle, crushed pecans, chocolate chips, whip cream, sliced strawberries, chocolate shavings, and powdered sugar.

"Jerbo said they needed to get rid of their inventory so most of this is free!" Luz explains.

"Do humans need to consume this much sugar?" Amity asks, her eyes glued to the sugary monstrosity.

Luz thinks for a moment before answering, "You'd think, but nope. It's terrible for us!" She hands Amity a plastic fork and takes her seat across from her. "Don't worry, you don't have to eat it. I was just going to get a few bites before giving King the rest of it as thanks for helping us out."

Amity's mood drops again, remembering why it was sour to begin with. King had to come help because of the mess she made. The mess that ruined their first date. The mess that happened because she was too afraid of letting the twins find out about their relationship, but they found out anyway.

All of the chocolate in front of her suddenly seems really appetizing. Amity tears a good chunk of it off and starts eating.

"Whoa, I didn't know you were that hungry." Luz timidly pokes at the funnel cake while watching Amity chow down. "Then again... you were trapped in that mirror for a while. Guess I should've gotten real food instead."

"It's fine," Amity mutters after swallowing. She's about to go for another piece but she remembers what happened today and stops. Amity lowers her fork along with her head and mumbles, "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be!" Luz assures her, "King doesn't usually mind when he gets half-eaten food for free."

"It's not about the funnel cake!" Amity snaps her head up, "I meant about what happened today! The psychotic clone! Getting kicked out of the fair! And the running! Who runs that much on their first date?"

Luz shrugs, "People who like to work out?"

Amity glares at her.

"Oh, that was a rhetorical question. Sorry, not good with those."

"We were looking forward to this date and I blew it. All because I was too afraid of letting my siblings find out." Amity drops her head into her hands and groans. "I'm sorry for ruining our date..."

"You didn't ruin anything!" Luz protests. "We had fun before all of that, didn't we? We still have another day left together!"

Amity scoffs, "Another day for something wrong to happen and waste it away. My last day over at the Owl House... then it's back home and back to school. We probably won't get much of a chance to go out again."

It's hard for Luz to see Amity like this and even harder to imagine them not being able to do this sort of thing for a while. She wants to tell her that it's going to be okay, and that she should cheer up and see the brighter side. But the words remain lodged in her throat, because she feels like they aren't the right ones to say.

If only Eda had given Luz some advice on what to do when a date wasn't going well. Actually, now that Luz was thinking about it Eda probably would've said something like, "Bail out on them before the check arrives." Luz hums to herself, racking her brain for ideas.

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