Fourth Day, Part 1

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Eda yawns and scratches her back as she lazily makes her way downstairs. After their night of dream diving, she realizes the grave mistake when Amity brought Luz in it was just barely dusk. Meaning she had gotten her sleep way earlier than she had wanted. And Eda is not a morning person.

When she reaches the bottom set of stairs, her ears picked up the sound of snoring in the living room. It took her a moment to recognize it, knowing it wasn't Hooty's because his is way louder, but is surprising to think they would be sleeping down here. Eda shuffles over to the couch and peers over to find Luz sprawled to one side with a sheet leaning mostly off the edge.

"Huh," Eda mutters. She turns and heads to the kitchen. She fills a pot with water and sets it on a stove to boil, then grabs a cup to fill it with water. She takes a few sips from it as she shuffles back to where Luz is still sleeping soundly like a baby.

Eda takes one more sip from the glass, feeling the cool water soothing her parched throat. She pulls it back and smacks her lips with an, "Ahh..."

Then proceeds to dump the rest of it over Luz's head.

"Ah! Mutiny on the ship! Don't drown me!" the girl jumps out of the couch and fell onto her side. Luz groans and looks up to see the empty glass in Eda's hand, then back at her. She beams, "Morning, Eda!"

"Kid, what did I tell you about spending the night in the livingroom? I already had to wake you up from dream eating spiders, the last thing you need is a visit from the sleep paralyze demon."

"That's okay! Hooty is just over there," she gestures to the front entrance.

"Who do you think I was referring to..." Eda yawns and levitates the glass back to the kitchen. Which smashes against something since she wasn't looking where it was heading. "Anyway, why are you sleeping down here? Is the new bed not doing it for ya? Or did you and Amity get into a fight?"

Luz stiffens at the mention of her name and coughs, "Course not... the exact opposite, actually."

Eda raises a brow at that, "Opposite?"

"I mean I don't think we officially declared it but we sort of... you know, talk and we uh-"

"Spit it out or I'm going for a 'refill,'" Eda groans while gesturing another dunk with the absent cup in her hand.

"We're dating now!" Luz blurted, then back out on it with, "Probably! Maybe!? I don't know! Agh, the point is we both know we like each other!" Her cheeks grow hot as Eda took the news like a haymaker to the face. Eda thought she should have gotten herself some coffee first, but never did she expect to receive this news at way-past-too-early o'clock.

"No kidding?" Luz shakes her head. "Huh, to think that little Blight actually managed to pull it off. And here I thought it was going to be dragged out for an annoyingly long time with a little payoff at the end." She ruffs Luz's head then pats her on the back, "Good for you, kid!"

"You knew!?"

"It was pretty obvious. The red face, the nervous giggle, and the incoherent babbling? I was questioning if I was going insane for being the only one to noticed."

Luz is seriously starting to question her awareness skills. If her life in the Boiling Isles was recorded in a book, she can imagine hearing the collective groans of the audience for her amazing display of density. She would also hope the film adaptation would at least get the casting right.

"Yeah so... because of that, if felt too weird for us to sleep in the same room together. So, I opted to crash on the couch."

"Don't you have to be married for that kind of thing?" Eda chuckles. Luz suppresses a whine and pulls the blanket over her head. "Don't joke about that! I still haven't gotten over it!" she cries.

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