Sixth Day, Part 2

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"It's kind of fitting to be back here," Luz said to Amity as the three approach the entrance to the Library.

Amity looks over her shoulder inquisitively, "What do you mean?"

"You know, how before we got along I saw you as some sort of rival and you hated my guts?"

"I-I didn't hate your guts!" Amity exclaims, though admittedly can't deny the resentment she held against her from the first time they met.

Luz smiles and leans her head onto her shoulder, "I know, but look at us now. A couple of dorks dating together."

Amity flusters but manages to keep her nerves down, "Dork should be singular in your case."

"Amity, you're an Azurite. It's already too late for you."

"Hey! Good Witch Azura is an amazing series that isn't afraid to tackle serious matters and has excellent character growth! Anyone who likes the series as much as us shouldn't be labelled as a dork!"

Luz feels her heart skip and shakes her fists in excitement, "Oh my gosh, where have you been all my life?"

Eda makes a disgusted groan like she had something nasty on her tongue.

The pair guides Eda into the building and steps up to the counter to sign themselves in. The Librarian looks up from his book and lights up at seeing Amity. "Good to see you again, Amity. Are you looking for a few books to check out or will you be staying for a while?"

"We'll just be staying," Amity nods to him, "I hope you don't mind, but I brought-uh, my baby... cousin with me!"

Luz whispers into Amity's ear, "I thought we agreed she's my cousin?"

"She looks nothing like you, shut it!" Amity whispers back. She clears her throat and puts on a smile, "Just to warn you, she's a bit of a handful."

"Ah, say no more." The Librarian conjures a muzzle around Eda's face and fastens it tight. She tries to pry the mask off but the thing wouldn't budge.

"I'm glad that you're here actually. We were supposed to have a volunteer to read for the children but she called in sick. Would you mind taking over for a bit, Amity?"

"I'd love to but I'm afraid I'll have to pass," Amity shakes her head.

"Why?" Luz sticks her head in between them, "That sounds like fun for us and little Eda here too!"

"Come on, you don't want to see me read to a bunch of kids..."

"I think I do!" Luz beams. "Would you say no to those widdle faces?"

"You really are pushy, you know that?" Amity sighs but relents since Luz seems adamant in this decision. Not that she doesn't want to see those adorable faces either. "Fine, I'll be there in a bit."

"Excellent! Thank you, Amity. The kids will be ecstatic to see you again."

Luz guides Eda by giving her a gentle push to the Child's Corner. "Over there, Eda! Let's get ourselves some front row seats."

Amity pulls on Luz's collar, "Oh no you don't. You got me into this so you're going to help."

"Me?" Luz's face slowly rises in glee, "Are we going to take turns reading to kids and do funny voices!?"

"Something like that," Amity pulls her in and whispers the idea to her. The two sneak away for a moment while Eda walks on her own to the kid's area while still trying to pry the muzzle off of her face. She keeps walking ahead before bumping into someone and falls back on her rear.

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