Five (✔︎ℰ𝒹𝒾𝓉ℯ𝒹)

Start from the beginning

"wow" I looked around the room loving everything I could see from Abes arms. "wait until you see the bedroom its even cooler"

Through the door was an amazing open space with large floor to ceiling windows giving a perfect view of the private beach and cliffs surrounding it. The bed was on a raised platform that had LED lights under the bed that lit up the room a dark shade of blue. Grey sheets that were probably worth more than my life fitted the bed like a glove, with hundreds of accent pillows matching the decor of the room.

I jumped down from Abes arm to study the book case that sat in the corner of the room. All kinds of books sat on the shelf in rainbow order, i would definitely be reading a few of those on this trip.

"wow this really is amazi-" I had no chance to finish my sentance before Abes lips were connected to mine. I kissed him back with no hesitation my arms moving up to link around his neck as his hands snaked around my waist, gripping onto me like i was going somewhere.

I don't know how long we kissed for, only stopping to catch our breaths and in that time his eyes never left my own or my body.


"jesus woman how long does it take to change" Abe said from the other side of the bathroom door where I was changing to go to the beach, we wanted to get a few hours of swimming and sunbatheing in before the sunset. I decided to put on the green bikini, however i put on a black cover-up attempting to cover my scars and body.

After slipping my sliders on, i walked out of the bathroom feeling Abes eyes imidiately scanning my body. I pull my cover-up further around my body feeling akward under his gaze. "you look beautiful darling" he said to me as he closed the distance between us by leaning down and kissing my forhead.

"Thank you" I blushed, he brushed my elbow with his hand as he walked past me and slid into the bathroom. The door closed leaving me breathless, leaning on the wall for suport.

God why does he have this effect on me.

It feels like my body is tingiling all over, like bees are stinging every inch of my skin, wherever his eyes land on me.

This isn't right...i'm not suposed to be here or feel this way about my brothers best friend.

Seeming quicker than he went in, Abe came out of the bathroom just as I was going to get my phone from the kitchen, however I was stopped dead in my tracks from the sight that stood before me.

He stood, shirtless in nothing exept from black HugoBoss swim shorts. From his toned chest and abs, to the tattos that reached covering both of his arms and the odd one in a random spot on his body this man was perfect.

He chuckled as I quite literally, picked my jaw up from the floor. How the fuck am i suposed to pull him when he looks like that!  He could have any girl in the whole world that he wanted yet he still decided to bring me of all people here.

I pretended I wasn't totaly taken back by his atractiveness, despite him seeing right through me and continued to the kitchen for...something.  "why am I in here?" I muttered to myself  "ah phone" I answered myself remembering from the sight of my phone on the counter.

When we were both ready to go, we made our way out the front door. Abe locked it behind us before he took my hand, leading me down the wooden steps.

"shit" I said as my foot slipped on the sand that covered one of the steps. I squeeze my eyes closed anticipating my body hitting the floor, however my fall was stopped by Abes hands on my waist. "sorry thank you" Embarrassment crawled up my cheeks leaving them red. "anytime love" He moved his hands from my waist and resumed his hulk-strength grip onto my hand.

We made it to the beach, sitting down just far enough away from the tide to not get caught in it when it starts to move in and took a seat after Abe draped a blanket over the sand. 

"I'm going for a swim, you coming?" He asked as he took the things out of his pockets.

why are mens pockets so big it's not fair.

"Nah i'm going to stay here and sunbathe for a bit" I lied back onto the blanket, feeling the sun warm my winter pale skin. I was in desperate need of a tan.

I had flipped over onto my stomach after a while to make sure I got an even tan. Feeling drops of water on my back I looked up, expecting to see rain clouds (classic England) but instead I was blessed with the sight of Abe's dripping wet body stood towering over me. Water drops slide down his face from his dark jet black hair, sliding onto his neck and abs.

"stop! your getting me all wet" I complained as he continued to drip water onto me. He smirked "I know baby that's the point" His voice rumbled deep from the back of his throat.

"For god sake don't make it dirty" I blushed, finally clocking on to what I had just said.


After sitting for another hour or so, the sun began to set turning the sky into infinite shades of orange, yellow, pink and red.
"I could sit here forever" I said as we watched the sky change colours. "me too" Abe pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my belly.

"Now I could sit here forever".


What am I doing...

"I love you"

He pressed his lips to mine, differently to how he has before, this time he did it filled with care and sincerity.

His hand wandered from my waist up to cup the sides of my face. I bit his bottom lip slightly as I gained the confidence to move my hands awey from his neck and into his hair.

My fingers combed through his still damp hair messing it up slightly. We gradually stopped and he gave me little pecks on the lips before saying "I love you Bee so much. I can't pretend that I don't anymore"

"how long have you known?" I asked.

"Ever since you came downstairs wraped up in blankets. I knew I could make you happy again I wanted to help you. But the bowling ally made me love you the way your eyes looked in the lights there. I got addicted to the one thing I promised myself I wasn't going to have.

He pulled out a thin, dainty rose gold ring in a red velvet box from his pocket. It had a small blue lapis crystal in the middle with even smaller, but beautiful tiny diamonds surrounding it in a random fixation.

"Bee you've made me feel more alive in these past few weeks than anyone else has in my whole entire existence

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"Bee you've made me feel more alive in these past few weeks than anyone else has in my whole entire existence. Would you give me the honour of being yours and be my girlfriend?"

"Oh my god...Abe its beautiful. Of course I will"

He slipped the ring onto my middle finger and kissed the blue dimond leaving his mark on it, before moving up to my lips and kissing me again.

"I love it, thank you so much" I kissed his cheek almost shaking from excitement.

I wanted to think about how I now had a boyfriend but the only thing running through my mind was what Jack was going to do when he finds out.

Well I guess we will just have to wait and see.


Hii I hope your all ok and well! How did you like that last chapter. A LOT happened sorry for that!

Comment! Pleasee

~love ya!

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