Chapter 25

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After the whole cell phone incident, Sam went off to another room in Mary's suite to sulk. I knew Jason wasn't going to post that picture on Facebook or anything though.

And if he did, I had three werewolves to help plan his punishment. *cue evil laughter*

I sat down with Daniel and the others after cleaning up the glass shards. He refused to let me handle the glass cups when he was pouring us all various drinks, smirking like and idiot of course. I believe his exact words were, "Can't let little butterfingers here break another one of Mary's cups, huh?" in an overly high, sing-song voice. Then he proceeded to rub my head like I was a toddler who wouldn't understand.

Little prick. Ugh. It wasn't the seriously annoying kind of thing, but you know the cute kind of annoying.

I scowled at him over the brim of my cup while downing what remained of my orange juice. He was drinking a glass of Coke and wagging his eyebrows at me again. I really had to resist the urge to laugh and choke on my juice. No matter how much I didn't want to spoil the light-hearted mood, my mind kept wandering back to what Mary had mentioned.

"So... um..." I started, not really knowing what to say. Everyone was looking at me now and that didn't help. They must've realized what I was trying to talk about and they're happy-go-lucky expressions instantly sobered up.

"Mary filled us in." Jason said from the floor. He had his back against one of the chairs and against his many protests, Melisa was propping her feet up on his shoulders like he was a foot rest.

"So, yeah..." I trailed off. What the hell do I say now? I didn't want to be an ass and think they might treat me different since I'm not human since they're not human. But at the same time I wanted to know what the bleep I was or wasn't or I might explode!

"What now?" I asked shyly. This kind of worried me. Carly Jaggers was never shy. EVER. I may have crippling stage fright, but if it's just one person I couldn't care less what they thought of me.

"Well, I was planning on going shopping later. Want to come with?" Melisa asked camly, like it wasn't any big deal that I was on the edge of tearing my eyeballs out from wanting to know the whole story.

Well, maybe I'm not that bad but you know wh- no wait, correction, I am that bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.


Was I a witch? Werewolf? Vampire? Shifter? What!?

If I was a vampire and needed to drink blood... ick! If I was a witch I'd be jumping up and down because that meant I could make all of the cool stuff in the shop. If I was a werewolf that'd fit me in perfectly to our little group and unfortunately make my situation a heck of a lot harder. And if I was a shifter... I don't even know what would happen if I was one of those...

Melisa continued ranting on about the cute little shoe store she wanted to visit, totally unaware to the inner turmoil that was my screwed up mind.

"Okay, what am I already!?" I all but screamed at them. They looked shocked by my sudden ferocity and shot nervous glances at each other. If there was some sort of inside joke I wasn't getting I think I'd end up punching a few particular werewolves in the face.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked with a strained voice, almost like he was in pain. It was obvious that he knew what I was talking about.

"You know exactly what I mean!" I stood and began pacing back and forth trying to ignore the curious and concerned looks from them. "Mary's exact words were, "you're not entirely human" so naturally my next question is if I'm not 'entirely human'," I put air quotes around the words entirely human. "what the hell am I?"

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