Chapter 3

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I covered my mouth to supressed the squeak of surprise. Thank god, i don't think he heard that. At least, i think it was a he... He looked pretty big.

The person didn't seem to know where he was going. He kept glancing around, then at a peice of paper he had in his hand. What the hell was he doing in my house?!

He stuffed the paper in his pocket and started creeping towards my mother's room. Was Mom in her room?! What was he going to do?! I had to do something before he got to her. I noticed he was being extremely careful about not stepping on certain floor boards. What the hell? It was like he knew which ones would make noise under his feet.

Never mind the god damn floor! You've got a stranger in your house who obviously didn't just drop in to say hi! I half walked half ran to my dresser to grab my cell phone. I had to call the cops! But as i pressed all of the buttons in frustration, it dawned on me. I hadn't charged my phone! Perfect fucking timing!

Cell phones no use, but maybe if i could reach the one down stairs... I took another peek out of the door. Whatever he was doing, he was taking his sweet time. His back was to my door. I have to sneak past him, then make a run for the phone and pray to god he doesn't turn around!

I inched the door open as silently as i could. Please don't squeak, please don't squeak! Once i got the door open wide enough, i could see the creep had on a hoodie and jeans. The hood was pulled up so i couldn't see his hair or face. I glanced over at the stairs. Only a couple yards away. If i could reach them i could call for help, run to the neighbors, or something. But if i made a sound i was dead.

Okay, i thought, don't panic. I tentatively put one foot in front of the other and started walking slowly, silently to the staricase. Much like the creep was walking towards Mom's room.

I was only a few feet away from the stairs. Should i run? I was torn. But someone else made the decision for me. Did i mention that i had a cat? Her name was Lizzy. She must have saw me or something and came scampering out of Mom's room. Made the guy jump about ten feet in the air.

He sighed as she rubbed up against his legs. He watched her walk behind him... and saw my feet. His eyes slowly raised up to my face of complete horror. We stood there for a moment like a parent walked in on a child who had their hand in the cookie jar.

Then he took a step toward me, and i ran. I was so close to the stairs but he grabbed my arm and hauled me back up. I beat at him with my free arm and legs while every foul word i knew spilled out of my mouth. He pulled me closer and clamped his hand down over my mouth, hard.

"Stop squirming!" He growled.

I lost it then. Like hell i was going down without a fight. I bit down on his hand with all the force i could manage. He yelped in pain and loosened his grip on me just a little. But it was enough. Kicking him in the crotch, i was able to break free and make a bee-line for the stairs. I managed to make i down the first flight before he caught up with me. He grabbed my wrists and shoved me into the wall, banging my head with such force i saw fireworks. He used one hand to pin my arms above my and the other to cover my mouth again.

"Well, you're a fiesty one," he whispered in my ear. I almost wanted to puke the way his hot breath felt on my neck. "Too bad I'm not here to play."

Thank god, i didn't want to know what his version of 'playing' is. I was struggling as much as i could but it was to no avail. He had his hand clamped down over my mouth so tightly i couldn't even open it. He pulled me off the wall and wrapped his arm around my waist. He was inching us down the stairs when i had a sickening thought. Was he here to kidnapp me?! If he had came here to kill me he would have pulled out a knife or a gun or something. Oh god help me!

When he stopped again i was right on the edge of the next stair. He spun me around so i was facing him again. I tried to scream and kick but his grip was like steel.

He had sinister grin on his face. "See you next fall." Wait... what?! Before i could figure out what he meant, he pushed me down the stairs. I screamed as i fell but my chin hit a stair on the way down and i think i bit my tounge. When i finally fell to the bottom i slid on the wooden floors right into the opposing wall.

Everything was fuzzy and i had a hard time thinking clearly. Did i hit my head? I tried getting up only to fall down again. I didn't have the energy to try again. Blackness was closing in and the last thing i saw was the man. Crounched down in front of me giving a little wave. Like we were good friends.

Then he too, dissapeared.

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