✨"Will You Marry Me Again, Amelia Collins Reed?"✨

Start from the beginning

"But the way, who is Tevin? I don't like the name", Dahlia gave her opinion. "None of your business", I fired back. Dahlia pouted and turned to Noah, who was eagerly waiting for her attention.

'Nowadays, people become open minded'

"Tevin is my father and your father's enemy", Noah explained to her, playing with her silky, smooth and soft hair.

I pouted at their lovey dovey activities.

'Why do I have so daring and smart daughter?'

I moved my eyes from my daughter and future son-in-law to the road who needed my attention more than me.


After 3 hours, we reached to our destination.

'Levi's University... It really looks Majestic and it's the best University in this city'

Noah and Dahlia got down from the car and went to the Entrance. I asked a female student to show us the direction to the principal office. The student looked at me, my daughter and Noah with curiosity in his eyes.

'Do I look like joker?'

I looked down and noticed that I was wearing little casual outfit. I ignored her stare and asked her again, "Can you show me the way to the principal Office?". Through she, this time told me the way, I noticed she asked someone to follow us. Noah threw glares at the boy who was asked to follow us.

At last, we reached to the principal office.

I knocked on the door.

'I didn't take appointment to meet him'

"Come in", the voice permitted.

"Hello sir, I'm-", I was cut off by the principal. "You're Amelia Reed, Damon Reed's wife", he recognised me. I was too shock to react.

"I'm Dahlia Reed", Dahlia introduced herself. "You're Damon's daughter?", He asked. Dahlia said yes.

'How did he know about us?'

"And you're Daric Adams' son, Noah Adams?", He asked Noah and Noah answered ‘yes’.

'He knows about Noah too?'

"Actually, Markus and Reece are my best friend from childhood. But I wasn't able to attend our wedding, I had to attend an important meeting", he explained his point.


I sighed.

'Thank God'

"Sir, I come here for a reason", I explained my reason for coming here.

"Ok, I'll help you, just ask me", he assured to help me.

'Thank God'


Damon's Pov.

'I hope she likes my surprise'

"Don't worry, Big bro. She will like it and yelled ‘yes’", Logan assured me, but I was still nervous. "Damon, I thought you never get nervous", Daric tried to tease me. But I ignored him.

Uncle Markus was laughing at my face.

'Uncle Markus, you don't know, what I had done to her in the past and what she had suffered, because of me'

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