Finally Archy poked a chubby finger at me. "Where's yer card las?"

"I... uh... don't have one." I said uncertainly.

He sighed and picked up his magazine again. "Sorry but we cannot accept that card service." He said this normally without a trace of his former accent. I assumed this was the inconspicuous way of telling me to buzz off. Or something along those lines.

"She's human Archy." Sam said. He sounded bored.

Archy hissed and made a cutting motion across his neck. "You don't think I noticed?!" He hissed quietly. What happened to his accent? He sounded British now.

Sam sighed. "She knows about supernaturals Archy. She's with us." He playfully nudged me.

Archy sighed. "Fine." He handed Sam a small brass key. "You've always been a pain in the ass." He muttered angrily.

Sam snatched the key up and did a large bow. "Thank you good sir!"

Sam made a motion for us to follow him before starting down on of the seemingly endless aisles. He looked back at me with an apologetic smile. "Don't mind Archy. He's a shifter, they naturaly don't like humans."

Say what now? Shifter? More to the point, would they be dangerous? Sam did say they naturally didn't like humans. Was he like a werewolf since they could shift into a wolf? I'm going to need a notepad to remember all of these questions!

He lead us to a back door and stuck the key into the lock. With a loud squeak, the door opened up to reveal a large, seemingly endless hallway. The walls, floor, and ceiling were made of red bricks. They looked exactly the same.

"Um..." I said uncertainly.

"Just walk, it'll be fine." Daniel said while intertwining my hand with his. He gave me a smile before he lead me on.

Once we about five feet in, the room blurred. I rubbed my eyes but the room continued to blur more and more. I almost stumbled and I had to hang onto Daniel for support. Feeling like I was about to throw up, I clamped my hand over my mouth.

Finally, the room snapped back into focus. The door seemed a lot closer now. I swallowed and stood back up. Daniel laughed and steadied me.

"You never get used to that. It's a charm." He laughed.

"I would ask what a charm was, but I don't feel like throwing up on everybody's shoes." I had my hand over my mouth just in case.

Daniel laughed. "A charm can be a lot of different things. In this case, it's hiding," He threw open the door. "Central." He smiled and lead me through.

The door lead to a busy street filled with people. Bustling cars and shoppers zipped past us. They all looked like normal people, but I knew they weren't. There were shops, theatres, and resturants lining the streets.

I looked up expecting to see the roof of a cavern or something. But it was the same normal sky as if was in the regular world. It looked almost the same as the regular world apart from the red roads and floating lights. They were all about the size of a quater and even though they were a dull gray and not casting off any light, I knew that at night time the place would be lit up like a Christmas tree.

A man brushed past us roughly. He was pale but not unhealthily so. I thought he was goth at first from the black jeans, shirt and leather jacket. When he was closer though, I saw him carrying a bottle of red liquid. He was a vampire!

He must've noticed me staring. Turning his head slightly to the side, just so I could see the side of his face, he gave me a sly grin and a wink. Daniel growled possesevly and pulled me closer to him. The vampire dude glared at him before continuing down the street.

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