Someone Gets hurt

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you cheated on me-"

Yes, I look perfect,
Ice queen that's what you see
But it's all show

She had cut you off before you could even finish causing you to grip your cup a bit tighter and grit your teeth.

Face it you used me

You saw the sexy clothes
My supermodel pose
But did you know?

You really didn't have the patience for this but apart of you was desperately yelling at you to defend yourself.

Was I a game to you?
Was I way too cool?
I truly cared
Was I the fool?

It's fine for you
It's fine to flirt
It's fine
'Till someone gets hurt
'Till someone gets hurt

Her finger landed on your lips signaling for you to be quiet. You roughly pushed her hand away sending her a dark glare. Clearly, little miss perfect didn't want the people around you to hear of her less than faithful deeds.

Bringing your hand up and placing it over her heart she continued.

Feel my heart beating?
I'm just like her or you
People forget I'm human too
Yes, they do that

Rolling your eyes you yanked your hand away and looked at her in slight disgust.

This is performance

This is all self-defense
I thought you had the sense
To see through that

"Regina, move out of my way." You said as you tried to weave around her growing increasingly frustrated with this entire situation.

Was I too proud with you?
Was I too cold and forbidding?

She was ignoring you. Ya know this really wasn't that far off from your relationship.

And you chose her over me
Are you kidding?

Ah, so that's what this was about. She didn't care about you, she only cared about not being "shown up" by Cady. This girl honestly needed to grow up.

Are you kidding?

Before you could open your mouth to unleash a small verbal assault on her and be on your way, she once again opened her mouth.

Poor little me
All trapped in this fabulous show
You could set me free
But if you're going, go!

You let out a cynical chuckle and gently pushed her out of the way. She said you could go and that's all you really wanted to do in the first place. A soft hand wrapped around your wrist and yanked you back.

It's fine for you
It's fine to flirt

She quickly turned you around so that you were face to face. You looked into her eyes and could see it, she knew she was losing.

And God, you're hot
Why do you even wear a shirt?

Her tactics were becoming more and more barbaric for lack of a better term. You groaned knowing there was only one way to get out of this. You wrapped an arm around her, gripping her waist as you forced a smirk on your face.

Her arms instantly wrapped around your neck as her confidence started to come back.

It's fine!
It's fine!

Damn, you're fine!
Damn, you're fine!

And it's fine!
And it's fine!

She began to lean into you. Now was your moment. You stopped short of her lips and leaned into her ear.

Until someone gets...

You quickly pulled back to look at her stunned face with a cold glare before turning on your heal and going to find Cady. Once you did you instantly relaxed a bit and greeted her with a smile.

"There you are, I was getting worried." You chuckled and shook your head.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Hey um, you wanna get out of here and go see a movie or even trick or treating? This isn't really my style." You gave her a slightly bashful grin as you gestured to the party around you. She nodded eagerly. "Y-yeah!"

"Yeah?" You asked again and she nodded. You took her hand and quickly led her out of the house and down to your car. It was quite the adventure trying to stuff her wedding dress into the vehicle comfortably, mostly because the two of you couldn't stop laughing the entire time. Once settled inside you looked over at her, still giggling slightly. "Ready to go?"

She gave you an enthusiastic nod although you had missed it completely. She tilted her head and studied you for a second. Your entire demeanor had changed and you were now almost glaring off through the window next to her.

Following your gaze, she looked back up to the house to see a very angry Regina George glaring down at your car, or more specifically at her.

"Let's go..." you mumbled before putting your car in drive and driving off. Regina watched your car the whole way until it disappeared down the street.

Your jaw was clenched almost as tight as your hands were around the steering wheel as you drove off. A hand on your arm brought you back to reality as you quickly glanced over at Cady who had a slightly concerned look on her face.

"You alright?"

You cleared your throat and cracked your neck before nodding. "Yeah, just Regina being Regina." She nodded in understanding and leaned back in her seat. "But forget about her." You stared as your mood began to lighten again at the thought of going out and having fun with Cady. "The night is still young and we can't let her ruin it."

"Hell yeah!" Came Cady's excited reply.

'Till someone gets hurt!
'Till someone gets hurt!

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now