Sick!Mac x reader

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This was a request made by NOCTURNA2299
I really have been away for far too long 😭😭.

"Bed. Now."

The pout that was displayed on Mac's swollen red nosed face failed to do what it intended. You were putting your foot down this time. She had been sick for the three days and kept insisting that she was bored and 'I want to make myself useful.

You usually couldn't say no to those baby blue eyes but today you had-had enough. Her cough was starting to get worse and her fever higher. You walked over and felt her forehead and nearly jumped out of your skin.

"Mac you're roasting alive, back to bed now."

"Oh please Y/N, I'm fineeeeeeee. All I need is some fresh air and some sort of activity to get my blood-" she was cut off by a sneeze so great it rocked her body. You instinctively recoiled seeing as you yourself didn't want to get sick. You quickly masked your slight disgust and sighed.

"You've brought this upon yourself."

"Brought what- hey! Y/NNNNNNN put me downnn!" She whined as you lifted her off the ground bridal style and carried her up the stairs to your shared bedroom. You set your girlfriend in bed and then briefly walked out of the room.

"So help me God, if you're not in bed when I get back." Your threat was completely empty. You would never do anything to purposely hurt Heather. Ever. Nonetheless it was enough to make her stay put, reluctant as she was. You walked back in with a bottle of NyQuil and a sheet. You pulled the blankets off of her seeing as you didn't want her to over heat and laid the sheet on top of her.

You noticed her eyeing the bottle of sleep aid as if she was trying to burn a hole through it. You picked it up and with a sigh poured her the correct dose. "It won't kill you Heather." You said with a slight chuckle before holding out the small cup to her.

He eyes trailed from yours to the cup and then back to yours. She slowly reached out and shared into the thick indigo colored liquid. After looking at your now stern, almost motherly face she let out a huff of defeat before drinking it. "There, ya happy?" She grumbled as she handed the bow empty cup back.

A warm smile spread across your face as you set it next to the bottle. You leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Yes, very." A small smile set itself on her face due to your kiss.

Just as you got up to walk out of the room she whined and opened her arms. "No please stay Y/N." She used those same baby blue, puppy dog eyes on you and this time you just couldn't say not

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now