Stood up (Mac)

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It's been awhile and I'm sorry I just haven't really had time or inspiration to write. But I found this prompt and I've fallen in love so here you go.

Mac's POV (This is new)

   It was 8:30, Duke was supposed to meet you here at 7:00. An hour and a fucking half late. This was the third time she had done this to you. You were utterly over it.

   To make matter's worse every time the waiter would come back you would get even more sympathetic looks. All you wanted was for a hole to swallow you up.

   You felt tears prick your eyes as you went to stand up. It took all you had not to cry. You grabbed your jacket and bag and turned to walk away.

"Babe, I'm so sorry I'm late. Traffic was wild."

  You had never heard that voice before. You looked up only to be greeted with the most beautiful E/C eyes you had ever seen. The girls H/L hair was neatly done and she had the cutest apologetic smile you had ever seen. She was gorgeous. You opened your mouth to correct her before she pulled you into a hug.

  "I'm Y/N. Just go with it, whoever stood you up is a total bitch." You blushed at the hug but you were also completely disoriented. Where on Earth did this girl come from and where had she been all your life.

"Heather, Heather Macnamara. Thank you for this." You whispered back before pulling away. You could see some people giving Y/N glares for what you could only assume was the fact that she 'kept you waiting'.

"Its fine baby, just next time please call or text." She nods and sits down. "It won't happen again."

That night the two of you shared the best date of your life, hands down. Y/N was amazing. It was almost to good to be true. You felt you could just be yourself with this total stranger who totally saved your ass and it felt fucking amazing.

  All night you laughed and joked and told each other about your days. You even snuck in a few getting to know you questions when you were sure no one would hear.

  All and all this first date was a success.

Y/N lead you outside at the end and walked beside you. "Um I know I shouldn't be nervous about this since we just had our first date, " she said blushing, "I was wondering if I could see you again."

"Of course." You giggle softly. The two of you exchange numbers and you can tell Y/N is busting at the seems with how excited she is.

  You plant a soft kiss on her cheek causing her blush to turn an even darker red. "Thank you, you saved my hide tonight."

"N-n-no problem, anytime."

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now