Cheater (Heather Duke)

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There were rumors. You didn't, no you refused to believe them. Your mind and heart would not believe that your sweet amazing, girlfriend could ever cheat on you.

Heather would never do that.


You started to become a little suspicious of her, watching her a bit closer than you usually would. You hated it. It made you feel bad for ever doubting her and the paranoia that came along with it made you sick.

Soon you could see for yourself that she was faithful. Your nerves calmed and you began to relax. Your smile came back and life went on as usual.

That is until Heather became distant. When you went to put your arm around you she would bull away giving you some bullshit excuse.

Every bit of fear that ate you up came rushing back only this time it was stronger. You confronted her. "What's been going on lately Heather?" She simply tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"You've been so distant lately. You won't cuddle anymore, hell you won't even hold my hand in public anymore." Heather did the last thing you expected. She went off on you.

She went on and on about how you were overreacting. She completely flipped the blame onto you and for some reason, you believed her. You felt bad and looked down. "I'm sorry, Heather." You said in a small voice. You looked down and sighed. She glared at you clearly upset. Tears stung your eyes as you turned your back on her and walked away.

You felt horrible. She made you feel like what you had done was wrong and it sucked ass. The more you thought about what happened the more you realized how fucked up what she did was. You started to build up the courage to talk to her again.

Before you knew what you were doing, you were at Heather's house. You weren't in control of yourself as you knocked on her door. You could hear your pounding heart in your ears. The door started to open. You prepared yourself to tell Heather everything that was on your mind.

Then the door opened.

You felt your once pounding heart come to a screeching halt. There stood a girl only a few inches shorter than you. Her hair was a complete mess, she was wearing an oversized shirt that she had clearly just thrown on. Worst of all though, was the hickies that lined her neck. Your stomach churned.

You recognized this girl and telling from her expression she recognized you too. Of course, she did, you were apart of the Heathers after all. You couldn't say anything. All the words you had prepared yourself to say had vanished. You clenched your fist and turned on your heal. You walked away swiftly.

Everything you heard was true. Every fucking thing. You felt like crying and raging. She had made a fool out of you. You got into your car and just started to drive. Your mind was racing and yet there was nothing there.

You grit your teeth and gripped the steering wheel. You just kept making turns. You didn't entirely know where you were going until you got there.

You had pulled up to Veronica's house. Before you knew it you were at her door knocking at it. The dark haired girl opened the door and with a confused look. "Y/N what are you" She was cut off by you hugging her tightly. You hadn't realized it but you hadn't cried yet. You let yourself break down in her arms. "It was all true...all of it." You said through sobs. Veronica wrapped her arms around you and frowned. "Shh, its okay." She soothed as she lead you inside.

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن