Jealousy (Heather Chandler)

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The Heathers, yourself, and Veronica had decided to go to the mall on Friday afternoon. It wasn't something you did often but anytime you did go it was usually the same pattern.

You would follow the Heathers around as they walked into their favorite store, you sticking close to your girlfriend.

Your job was to carry all of Chandlers things and whatever she picked out for you. You couldn't help but smile as you watched her look through the clothing racks.

The bags your were holding were starting to cut into your hands. You looked down at you hands and readjusted the painful bags. "Babe, I'm gonna go sit and give my hand a rest." The strawberry blond girl only gave a small nod and grunt of acknowledgement, all though you knew she didn't hear you. You shook your head and walked to the near by food court taking a seat.

You set the bags next to you and massaged your hand grumbling about how this was some bullshit under your breath. Once some of the pain was relieved you let out a sigh and pulled out your phone. You scrolled through Instagram and Snapchat looking up every now and then at the store where your girlfriend was.

Soon she went deeper into the store to the point where you couldn't see her. You leaned back in your seat and continued to scroll through your time waster.

"Um hey." You hear a voice say to your right. You look up and see a tall guy around your age. He had shaggy dark hair and dark chocolate eyes. You look around and then point to yourself "Me?" You arch your eyebrow. He chuckles softly "Yeah you. I was um watching you from over with my friends and well...I just thought you looked really nice and then I realized I haven't seen you around before and-" He cuts himself off and looks down with a bashful smile. "Look at me sitting here rambling." He takes a deep breath "I just wanted to know if I could get your number."

You smile at him softly and let out a small breath. "Look I'm really flattered but I-"

"She has a girlfriend." Says a voice coming from behind the tall boy. You look over his shoulder to see your clearly livid girlfriend. You give the guy a sympathetic look stand up. "What she said." He looks clearly very disappointed and spooked by Heathers death glare. "I-I...sorry." He says quickly before walking back to his friends. If he had a tail it would be between his legs.

You turn to Heather and shake your head "Did you have to be so...intimidating." You say choosing your words carefully. You can feel Heathers anger radiating off of her. Suddenly her head snaps towards you and she pulls you close crashing her lips onto yours. The kiss is extremely possessive and you struggle to match her power.

She pulls away after a second and grabs your hand. She turns to everyone else who have to hide their amusement when she looks at them. "We're leaving. Now." She says as she drags you towards and exit. You grab the bags and shake your head and smile on your lips.

Once in Heather's Porsche you look at Heather with nothing but amusement. "Somebody is jealousssssss." Duke teases earning a laugh from Ronnie and Mac. Heather's reaction to this only makes your smirk widen as she turns and yells a threat at Duke. This time she has no effect as her face is beat red. You lean over and kiss her cheek. "I think it's cute."

Heather rests her perfect features on the steering wheel not knowing what to say.

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now