Heathers Chandler x Reader x Regina George

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So I've officially added musical Regina to my list of wives.

"She's mine bitch." Chandler growled as she slammed her hands down on the table. "Back the fuck off." Regina sneered back.

     You were caught in the middle of the two of them. All you wanted to do was eat your lunch.

    Let's go back a little. You Y/N L/N somehow ended up with the absolute privilege of going to 
High school with not only the Heathers but also the Plastics.

   Your high school experience was interesting, to say the least. At first, you had tried to avoid both groups altogether.  They were the biggest rivals in the school and you were not getting mixed into that drama added on to the shit they're involved in every day.

You never had to deal with Queen Bees at your old school. You had decided to just keep to yourself and get through the year. That worked until you were paired Heather Chandler on a project.

  She tried to make you do all the work. You shut that shit right the fuck down.

"Hell no I'm not doing your part." You said causing Heather's shoulders to tense. You could tell she wasn't used to being told no.

  You really couldn't care less. You weren't scared of any of the cliques, you just preferred to stay away. You stared her in her eyes waiting for her response.

   To your surprise, she smirked. "You've got balls. I like it." You simply shrugged and gave her your number before heading to your next class.

   Heather started to grow on you, as did the rest of the Heathers and Veronica. You all started to hang out here and there which caught Regina's attention.

    One day as you closed your locker you were greeted by the blonde haired girl. "Why don't I know you?" She asked in a clearly forced voice.

  "Cause that's just how I like it." You said before going to walk away. "Wait, " She called out to your back. "You should sit with us at lunch."

  You sighed and looked at her. "Listen, Regina, you're not going to use me in your little war against Heather. Find me if you really wanna hang out" You said before turning on your heel and leaving.

   She didn't leave you alone after that. She was determined to turn you but you wouldn't budge. You did, however, start hanging out with her. Not nearly as much as you did with the Heathers and it wasn't a secret.

Although Chandler didn't like it you simply told her you weren't apart of the feud thus you could be friends with both of them.

  Regina really wasn't all that bad. Well at least to you.

  There was just one problem. You had started to fall for both of them. You knew this wouldn't end well so you pushed your feelings away. You liked both girls for completely different reasons. You liked how Regina really didn't care what people thought about her as long as she was on top.

  You liked how Heather was just about as no-nonsense as you could get. Heather was never fake, she was always herself.

   You were on deep thought about the two girls when what was presently happening occurred.
You sat there confused. You really had no clue what to do.

  By now everyone was starting and you knew if you didn't do something soon all hell would break loose.

"ENOUGH!" You yelled as you stood up causing both girls to freeze. You glared at both of them. "You guys look utterly ridiculous right now." You shook your head. "Originally I didn't want to be apart of your drama. But since we're all here fuck it."

  You then grabbed Heather by the collar and slammed your lips onto her's. You kissed her hard and forcefully before pulling back and doing the same to Regina.

  Once done you calmly pulled back and picked up your lunch. You then turned without a word and walked out of the cafeteria leave the two dazed girls standing there and everyone's jaws on the floor.

Heathers and Mean girls x reader oneshots GxG (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now