Long time no see (Heather C)

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To answer in the last chapter my favorite color is blood red  and my favorite characters are our respective Queen Bees Chandler and Regina. What can I say, I love a powerful woman.

The booming music mixed with little bit alcohol in your system had already sent you into sensory overload. It had been a while since you had been to a party like this. It's not like you wouldn't love to come to these but you up to you eyes on school work. Matter of fact you should be in your dorm studying right now for your midterm. Luckily for your mental stability you have a very persistent and persuasive roommate who practically begged you to come. It also helped that you went to high school with the host.

So there you were, red solo cup in had with some sort of concoction that you were sure would give you a serious hangover if you drank to much of it. Although, it seemed a good portion of your peers had thrown caution to the wind and were on their third or forth. Speaking of drunk classmates there were a few couples scattered about making out and grinding on each other. It reminded you of yourself back in high school. Back then you were much more lose and carefree. You had Heather Chandler to thank for that. No matter how much that break up still stings you had to admit, she showed you some of the best years of your life and you will be forever thankful for that.

  As much as you wanted to dwell on the good memories you pushed them away. You intended on enjoying yourself tonight and would not let the thought of her ruin it. You looked around to see if you could find a familiar face to chat with to distance yourself even further from the memories. Luckily your eyes landed on the host himself. You put on a smile and walked over. "I must say Tony you still know how to throw a party." The man in question turned to you with a bright smile. "What can I say, it's a gift." He boasted earning a small chuckle from you. "Or you just know how to work a decent speaker and where to get cheep booze." You teased earning a playful pout from him. After a few minutes of chatter you realized your cup was running low. You were inwardly debating on whether or not you should get a refill. You finally gave into yourself and gestured towards the drink table. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get a refill."

With an affirmative nod from Tony you weaves through the crowd and over to the table. You filled your cup back up with the mystery liquid and took a mental note that this was your last cup. You then looked at the crowd and took a deep breath before weaving back through the crowd. When your eyes finally landed on Tony you let out a soft sigh of relief. His back was to you as you approached. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder causing him to turn to you. "There you are, there's someone I want you to meet," he then looked over to the person he had been talking to before you walked up.

  When you looked at the all too familiar woman in front of you your heart stopped beating. As you met those crystal blue eyes of her's your breath caught in your throat. Even in the dimly lit room you could tell she was just a beautiful as ever. Hell she looked better then you remembered. You both had the sane stunned, deer in headlights, look as Tony began to speak. You shook yourself out of your daze as he said.

"Y/N, this is Hea-"

"Heather Chandler," you finished for him which earned a surprised look from Tony. "Wait you two know each other?" He asked as he looked between the two of you. "Uh yeah, I moved to her school when I left yours." You replied before stealing a shy glance at Heather. She let out a soft 'yeah...' and soon the air between the two of you settled awkwardly. Tony, having sensed the awkwardness let out a small chuckle. "Well then I guess that's my cue to let the two of you catch up." Before either you or Heather could protest he disappeared into the crowd. You let out a sigh and looked back at Heather who seemed just as uncomfortable as you. "You...wanna get some fresh air?" You asked growing increasingly anxious about the situation. She gave a small hesitant nod before you left her out side and to a near by tree.

  You felt you had to take a deep breath of the crisp night air as the tension between you and Heather was suffocating. I should have walked away when I had the chance. You thought to yourself. All you had to do was walk away without looking back. Sure it would be a dick move seeing as you were the one who asked her to go outside with you. You finally built up the courage to fully look at her. Red was still her color which was made evident by the bright red lipstick that adorned her lips and the matching red leather jacket she wore. "I see you finally got rid of that damn scrunchy." You attempted at a joke softly. She looked over at you as if studying your face. You held your breath as she did. Those blue orbs of hers seemed to look right into your soul. You remembered a time where just one glance from those beautiful blues would have you pawing at her lap. Now all they did was send a chill down your spine.

  She finally let out a soft chuckle. "I see you still haven't lost your touch for humor." This alone earned a small laugh from you. "Humor as tasteful as mine takes years to build up," you shot a smirk her way as you began to fully relax, it seems she still had that effect on you. "To lose it would certainly be a tragedy to all of humanity."

"All of humanity?"

"Certainly, who else is going to tell them that their lives suck in a way that makes them feel good and not bad?" She let out a soft laugh and shook her head slightly. "Touché L/N."

The very sound of your last name on her lips sent you reeling. It felt so natural to be around her so right. You began to question why the two of you ever split in the first place. As much as you hated to admit it, you still loved Heather very much. It had been two years since you split but the feelings refused to leave you. You would often find yourself thinking about her and everything that the two of you had been through. It pained you so much that you would have to stop whatever you were doing and find something else to push the thoughts away. It was usually music. Luckily you were in college for a musical theater major so it helped a lot.

   You let out a soft sigh and turned to ask her a question. Before you could even open your mouth she cut you off. As if she had read your mind her words were simple yet so very complex.

"What happened to us?" 

    You looked down at the ground for a second as you entered deep thought. In reality many things had led to the break up. For one all the power and attention was begging to really go to Heather's head. Much more then it already had. And of course she was gaining attention from other people that didn't sit quite right with you. You weren't a very jealous person but when it came to someone clearly making a pass as your partner and them not doing anything about it was going to far. Then there was her actively acting as if she was better then everyone including you. That's not to say you weren't at fault as well. You had also began to focus more on your studies which in turn made Heather feel neglected and look for the attending from other people. All in all you both contributed to the down fall of your relationship.

  "Well," you started after a moment. "It seems that both of us were growing as people, I just grew up a bit faster." What you had said wasn't meant as an insult at all and you could tell she understood that. She nodded slowly and then ran a hand through her hair. "Do you think we could ever try again? With the people that we are now?" She asked as she met your eyes for the third time that night. This time however they were different. They were softer and almost pleading with you to say yes. She wanted to give you guys a second shot just as much as you did. You smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, I really think this time around we'd stick it out," Your reply was as plain as you could possibly put it in that instance. "But let's take it slow and see where it goes." All you wanted to do was snatch her up and in your arms and never let go but you knew that taking it slow was going to be your guy's best shot at making this relationship work.

"Slow...I can do slow." She nodded and for the first time since high school, she gave you a real, genuine smile.

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