When someone hurt either of you

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Heather Chandler

She will kill whoever dared to mess with you. She's out for blood. It takes a lot of convincing for her to come down from her rage.

You know Heather is strong so it depends on what happened. If her feelings are hurt you'll let her vent and rant. If she's physically hurt an ass whoopin is in order.


She tells the person off as harshly as she possibly can.

You will threaten people and carry out those threats.

Heather Duke

She cusses them out.

You not so kindly ask if they would like to partake in your fist to their face.

Heather Mcnamara

She gets scarily protective and angry. Even you say the fuck out of her way.

Your foot is usually ass deep by the time the person finishes what they've said.

Regina George

She literally ruins their whole life. That's why people tend not to say anything.

You prefer to roast the ever living fuck outta them.


She tells them off as best she can.

You give them a chance to take it back before you go apeshit.


She tells you to brush it off and not let it bother you all the while she's planning their deaths.

You know Janis is like a brick wall so you let her deal with it her way while you cuss the person out.

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