Janis x depressed!reader

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Trigger warning (I guess): depression and mentions of suicide

You looked at yourself and took a deep breath. You were in one of your 'moods', as you liked to call them. You let out a soft groan. You knew your thoughts and worries were complete nonsense but you couldn't help thinking them.

Tonight was especially bad. You constantly felt as if you were on the verge of tears and like you wanted to punch something. You let out a shaky breath as you ran a hand through your H/C hair.

You walked out of the bathroom shutting off the light. You walked to your room and pulled on a leather jacket. You felt it fit your dark mood. You grabbed your car keys and let your mom know you were going for a drive.

You then left. You didn't entirely know where you were going. Your thoughts bounced around in your head. It was a vicious cycle. You would try to cheer yourself up but then would remind yourself that no one really cared, or others were better off.

  For instance, you were known as the friend that everyone would go to and vent. You were also the friend people would go to for advice. On top of that, you were generally well liked in your school so there were a lot of people who would come to you.

  They would take their problems and dump them on your shoulders. You would take their burdens and bare them. At first, you didn't mind, until you realized you didn't have anyone like that. You couldn't tell the people who came to you for help, how could they help you if they couldn't help themselves?

You couldn't tell your mom, you tried once before and her only response was something along the lines of "You're too young to have real problems." And so your problems and worries just piled up on top of each other.

You weren't always sad, however. You had your good days. You found that you had to cherish those days when your darker ones would roll around.

You had made it to the spot your body had apparently wanted you to go to. You parked your car and stepped out. It wasn't until then that you realized where you were.

This is where Janis, Damien, Cady, and yourself hang out. You found yourself smiling softly at the thought of them and all the fun the four of you have together. That smile was wiped clean off your face.

You probably really annoy them.

They're most likely only with you because other people seem to like you.

You groaned and let out a frustrated and distressed cry. You looked up to the sky and holding back tears closed your eyes. Why couldn't you just be happy?

  Why, why, were you like this? You let out a shaky breath and clenched your fist. You felt the tears start to fall. Your shoulders shook as you softly whimpered.

"L/N, is that you?" A very familiar voice sounded off behind you. You immediately started to wipe your eyes and face. "Y-Yeah." You replied, mentally kicking yourself for your shaky voice.

  You slowly turned to face Janis. The smile on her face immediately faded as she saw you. "What's wrong?" She asked clearly very concerned.

You opened your mouth to give some bullshit excuse like 'nothing I'm just fried' or something along those lines. But you couldn't, nothing came out.

   You just found yourself breaking down as the tears began to flow once again. You then felt arms wrap around you. You just let yourself sink into the hug.

  Janis began to whisper soothing words in your ear as you cried in her shoulder. No one had ever done this for you before, you had always been the shoulder to cry on. Damn did it feel good to just let it all out while they held you.

  For the first time in a very, very long time, you felt safe.

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