The Pack.

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The sharp sound of the bell woke me up from my nap. I picked my head up and looked around. I was in school, math class wasn't it? Must've fallen asleep again.

Eww, i thought. I had drooled all over my mathbook. The ink was blurring together and making the equations hard to read. I wiped it up the best I could. What was the teacher saying?

"... this is due Monday no exceptions." Then he just had to look my way. "Ah, good to see your among the living Carly. I hope your classmates were paying attetion to the assignment because i'mcertaintly not filling you in."

Why does he hate so much? Just because I didn't turn in my homework, stay awake in class, or pay any attention at all didn't give him a reason to single me out, did it? Oh well.

"You are dissmissed." I grabbed my damp textbook and the papers covered in doodles and shoved them into my bag. Throwing it over my shoulder, I started filing out of the room with everyone else. I was just out the door when someone bumped into me almost knocking me down.

I spun around ready to give the asshole what for when I recognized the stupid grin.

"Jesus, Jess are you trying to kill me?" She just laughed. Whenever she laughed her blonde hair covered her pale green eyes. I was always jealous of her perfectly tanned skin. She was cheerleader material. Thank god she laothed those chicks.

Pushing through the crowd we made our way to the wide set of lockers across the hall. Jess's locker was right next to mine.

You would think we had a lot in common but we're basicly hot and cold. Her locker was neat and tidy. Everything had it's own label and place. My locker was dirty and took ages to find what your looking for. She turned in her homework and was a straight-A student while i never even look at the assignments. I haven't legitimately gotten an A since 5th grade. I would usually just steer clear of people like her.

"Good thing i was paying attention while you were snoring," she handed me a peice of paper with complicated equations scrawled all over it. "Copy the answers and give it back before homeroom OK?" Jess made sure I made it through every grade. I was OK with cheating as long Jess didn't get caught. She always made sure i turned in the copied homework or she turned in a paper for me. Did i feel bad about it? Not really.

"Kay," I said yawning. I guess i still wasn't totally awake. Sutffing the paper into my book, I started rumaging through my locker. "Do you have my English book?"

"You mean your pillow?" She said with a smirk. I gave her a look that said 'don't screw around'. Laughing she handed me a thick workbook. "I'm not in your English class so try to stay awake OK?"

"OK MOM." I playfully jabbed her in the ribs and started towards my next class.

"Hey," she called after me. I turned around. "Don't forget about your birthday party tommorrow!" I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I never thought that brithdays were a big deal. Jess on the other hand, was going all girly girl on me. Apparently your 16th birthday was 'special'. Knowing her all the party decorations were going to be bright pink, yuck.

The bell rang just as I flopped down into my seat. Out English teacher was nice enough, not saying I liked her or anything. She came tiptoeing in on her four inch heels nearly falling over. She had curly white hair cut in such a way to cover her ears and most of her oval-rimmed glasses. Though she wasn't that old, she wore clothes that looked like they were taken out of a nursing home closet. When she reagained her balance, she picked up a clipboard and breathlessly began role call.





"Carly." She looked up when there was no answer. I was reclined in the chair with my feet up, hoodie pulled up, trying to catch a few Zs.


"Leave a message after the beep," I said lazily. That earned a laugh or two from some of the other students. The teacher just glared.

"Well, good thing we got the morning giggles out hmm?" I took a peek from under the hoodie only to get daggers from the teachers eyes.

Role call went on without a hitch. She laid down the clipboard she was holding. "Now then, we have a new student children." Oh joy. Some transfer kid from a town nobody ever heard of. Those kind of kids never left you alone, always pestering you for your opinion on this teacher or asking what the fastest way to the cafeteria was. Well, I was going to make their life a living hell. I smirked at the thought. Class actually had my interest now. Sittingup I looked towards the front of the room expectantly.

"... and I expect you to make them feel welcome in this school." She looked at the door. "Come on in!"

The doorknob turned and in walked the new kid.

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