Time to end this endless war for good, Vs True Reaper

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Noire's POV

After leaving the Basilicom and Planeptune, we headed to the Keyblade Graveyard where The Reaper was waiting for us for the final battle, we arrival at the entrance of the Keyblade Graveyard, as Nepgear, Uni, Rom, Ram and Kazuma remember their defeat against Senbō four years back.

Neptune: Nep. Jr ? what's wrong ?

Nepgear: this place...... it's just like four years ago, when me, Kazuma, Uni, Rom & Ram faced against Senbō and lost.

Neptune: that's true, you may have lost against him, but we have our payback, when he decide to take over Planeptune.

Nepgear: you right, but his powers was so beyond those of Arfoire or any of the CFW we faced in the past.

Uni: i know this feeling too well, just like Nepgear said, Senbō 's powers was far beyond those of ASIC and the Deity of Sin.

Rom: we were held captive there for four years, causing so much sadness to our sisters who thought we were dead.

Ram: if Hansuke hasn't arrival in Gamindustri and gather all of our friends, we would have remain stuck here.

Kazuma: yeah, we own my bro a lot, well he will be your brother-in-law after the wedding he will have with your sisters.

Nepgear: we know honey, after seeing them sleeping by his side and naked to top it all, it was obvious that our sisters including Chika & Mina will propose to him for the wedding.

Uni: *smile* it will awesome, that our respective family will become one with the Dragneel Family.

Kazuma: yeah, i can't wait to see it, girls let's win this battle and put an end to all of this nightmare.

Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram: yes Kazuma.

Meiun smile at them as MAGES hold his arm as she ask him if he is ready for the biggest battle of their life.

Meiun: awww..... i really love when they are so happy together.

MAGES: indeed, say honey, i wanted to ask you something.

Meiun: of course, ask me right away.

MAGES: are you ready for today's battle, it's okay if you are shaking.

Meiun: i know, but i'm ready MAGES, i'm ready to face against that monster and with you by my side, i feel like we can accomplish anything.

MAGES: you right, together we can overcome anything that The Reaper or GRIM REAPER throw at us.

Meiun: and i have also something to tell you.

MAGES: do tell darling.

Meiun: once all of this is over..... will you marry me ?

MAGES was shocked at what Meiun just say, he proposed to her, the others were also surprise, but 5pb. and Cave were the most shocked people among us, MAGES realizing what he said rush at him and give him a big hug as tears flow from her eyes.

MAGES: *tears* Meiun honey..... of course i love you...... i love you so much...... i can't even imagine my life without you by my side. so yes i accept, you are the love of my life Meiun.

Meiun: you are also the love of my life, MAGES.

Both of them kiss each other romantically under our eyes, we smiled at both of them and cheers with happiness, Hansuke, Fuyu and Kazuma were happy for both of them.

Hansuke: i'm happy for them, i'm sure they will form a happy family after all this.

Fuyu: you right, seeing them like that remind me of the first time i proposed to Asuka.

HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends returnTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang