Taking back Planeptune, Vs Senbō The Sin of Envy & GRIM REAPER's Leader

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Hansuke's POV

After saving Histoire and learn the truth behind Ōkui's actions, along the fact that he was Noire's brother give us more of a reason to finally take down GRIM REAPER for good and free Planeptune from them, with that said our strategy meeting began in Leanbox where Fuyu, Asuka, Genji and Vexen were waiting for our return.

Histoire: everyone, thank you all for coming once more for this meeting held by Hansuke.

Kei: skip the formalities, if you would, we're well aware of why we're here.

Histoire: you right Kei, then, i would like to ask for your help in releasing Planeptune from GRIM REAPER's control.

Vexen: the Radiant Garden forces are ready to assist Histoire, after all it's was my fault for falling into their trap in the first place.

Chika: Leanbox forces are ready to help too, as well as Lastation and Lowee's military forces.

Kei: it's hardly picturesque to have a nation close to us under control of an evil organization like GRIM REAPER.

Fuyu: Asuka, Genji and myself are ready to help you guys out.

Mina: you sure Fuyu ? how are you, Asuka and Genji feel now ?

Asuka: very good all of our powers returned, beside we too have a score to settled with GRIM REAPER.

Genji: indeed, we haven't forget what they did to us years ago, but with all of you here, i'm sure we can do it.

Kazuma: that's good to know.

Noire: honey, do we have a plan of attack against GRIM REAPER, what soldiers they will use against us ?

Hansuke: since it's GRIM REAPER, they will most likely use the Heartless such as the Shadows, Soldiers, Large Body, Flying Soldier, Armored Knight, Destroyer and many other among them, so i suggest the simple method of using force.

Uni: that seems like a good plan to me.

Vexen: also we will have to use the Nobodies to stand up against them, i'm still able to summon them, even after i regain my human form.

Blanc: if i recall, Ōkui was able to summon low-ranked Nobodies and three of the High-ranked ones.

Noire: you mean, the Dusk, Creeper, Berserker, Assassin and Dancer ?

Blanc: but there's a lot more than just them, but we haven't see them yet, Hansuke honey, what are the Nobodies we haven't seen yet ?

Hansuke: well, the rest of the High-ranked Nobodies are the Sorcerer, the Dragoon, The Sniper, The Gambler, The Ninja, and The Samurai.

Vert: wait, wasn't a Nobody called The Reaper among the High-ranked ones ?

Hansuke: yes, but this one is different from The Reaper we know, The Reaper that is among the Nobodies have a plant-like appearance which make them vulnerable to fire and carried a pink scythe in their hands, but The Reaper that we know is a cataclysmic being that almost caused our world to be swallowed by the Darkness more than one.

Mina: now we can see the difference between both of them.

Hansuke: yes, only The Reaper we know is the one who is worship by GRIM REAPER as a whole.

Neptune: so all of our forces are ready to for the battle.

Linda: but against a large number of Heartless and Nobodies, it won't be that easy ?

Mina: most of our soldiers can use magic, so it will be easy to take down the Heartless, but for the Nobodies it won't be as easy with them than with the Heartless.

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