Arrival at Lowee, The Land of White Serenity

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Noire's POV

After taking down the Opposite Armor and clearing the quest that Marvy posted earlier, we head to the guild in Lowee and report it, after this like she promised Marvy ask all of us to follow her to a place where Hansuke's grandfather legendary sword was.

Hansuke: and there.... the quest has been report.

Noire: still i an't believe that the boss of this quest was a stronger version of the Guard Armor.

Vert: i was surprise myself, but having fought him the first time, made me remember the strategy we used against them.

Chika: that's right my darling Vert, without Hansuke's tactics, we won't be able to strike that monster down.

Mina: i guess we own Hansuke a lot, just like Kazuma did.

Marvy: *blushing* ummm..... Hansuke ?

Hansuke: yes Marvy ?

Marvy: now that the quest is clear, it's time for me to keep my promise, everyone follow me.

Neptune: follow you to where Marvy-chan ?

Marvy: to Lowee's Shrine, where i live and where Hansuke's grandfather legendary sword currently is.

Hansuke: really ! then let's go.

Mina: I wonder where is the shrine ?

Marvy: i do, it is not far from the Basilicom.

Vert: that's great if the shrine close to the Basilicom, then once Hansuke got his grandfather's sword, we will go directly at there to see Blanc.

Neptune: yeah, it's been a while since we saw Blanc, hope she is okay ?

Mina: i hope so too, she's been depressed ever since that day.

Hansuke: what do you mean Mina ?

Mina: that's right, i didn't tell you about it, well four years ago right after we learn of the defeat and supposed death of Kazuma, Nepgear, Uni, Rom & Ram, i went to warn Blanc about it. and...... that news was devastating blow for her.

Neptune: i still remember it, she didn't stop crying over her beloved twin sisters's supposed death, she cried so much that she couldn't stop.

Mina: i tried to calm her down, but under the influence of emotion, she yelled at me and told me to get out and never come back. i was heartbroken by this coupled with Rom and Ram's disappearance, i left Lowee and wander Gamindustri until Chika and Vert found me in a near death state.

Hansuke: *shocked* what ! but how did you survive if you were in a near death state ?

Vert: we bring Mina back to Leanbox and treat her with care, she was in deep sadness after what Blanc said to her. she couldn't stop crying at the fact that Rom and Ram the twin sisters that Blanc cared for so much were gone.

Chika: she even said that she has regrets over what happened, it was then i made her remember the promise we made to Kazuma before he and the CPU Candidates left.

Hansuke: the promise he made was for you both to protect Gamindustri in case something happen to him and the girls right ?

Mina: yes, that was the promise he made not only to us, but to Meiun as well.

Hansuke: is that true Meiun ?

Meiun: yes, i can confirm that it was the case, your little brother told me in person.

Hansuke: i see. he really know how to prevent Gamindustri from falling into enemy's hands. my little bro did tell you three that, then he must have a complete trust in your three.

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