
Of course I did mom, but do you really think it would've gone well? 😒

Mommy 👑😘💗

It'll get better.

She was once in my shoes. When her and my daddy met she was 16 and he was 21. Another reason why I'm shocked that he's acting like this


I hope so. Thanks for understanding. 😘

I grabbed my headphones from my bag and pulled up my pandora app. I let Jazmine Sullivan sing Tre and I to sleep for the remainder of the ride.


I was sleeping good until I felt someone nudging my shoulder.

"Okay peanut, we're here now." My brother said still nudging me, doing some silly dance

"Ugh. Why are you so lame? And stop calling me that. I'm not a baby anymore." I said while grabbing my bags and getting out.

"Well, I don't care sis, you'll always be my baby. Love you lil girl" he smiled down at me and put his arm around my shoulders.

Everyone else was already in the house, he was just coming out to get the rest of the bags. I still couldn't believe I had managed to sleep the rest of the way. That almost 5 and a half hours. I guess I need to. I've been running myself raged with school. Which really has paid off because in December I'll officially be considered a sophomore, and I did it all in a span of 6 months. I finished up with work for up to two week, and since I was in good standing with all of my professors, missing a few days for this trip was okay. Yup, I'm rooting my own horn!

"Quanni baby, come help with dinner!" My mom shouted from the kitchen door.

Her and my aunts had been in the kitchen cooking since we got here, and that was about three hours ago so I don't know what possibly needed to be done.

"Here baby, set the table" my aunt Charlie said, handing me the dish cart.

I walked into the dining room and instantly started thinking of my grandma, we had so many memories here. Family occasions will never be the same without her. I remember running into the house when I was little and jumping into her lap. She'd always brush my hair and sing Amazing Grace. I wiped a tear away as I finished setting the table. I watched as all my aunts, uncles, and cousins interacted with each other. I guess a piece of her lived on through us.

My dad was the oldest. Then there was my aunt Charlie, her husband Stan, and my older twin cousins Kory and Korine and their wives, they're 28. My uncle Preston, his wife Lisa and my big cousin Leah, her husband and daughter she's 22. Then the youngest, my favorite aunt Missy, her husband Cecil, and my big cousins Mickey, Rheanna, and Derrick and their significant others. They're 30, 27, and 25. Yup, I'm the baby of the grandchildren.

We were all sitting around the table sharing memories of grandma Steph, while eating her most favorite meal. Fried Chicken, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy, and cornbread.

I shared the time I got a whoopin for breaking her good China plate. Granny tore my behind up. We were all laughing and talking when my dad got up and left the table. Maybe he hot overwhelmed with emotion. Any other time I'd go see but, I figure he'd be back shortly.

"Pass the red velvet cake" my brother said nudging me yet again.

"Dang bro, save some for the rest of us" I said jokingly while passing over the dish. Baby Tre was in his lap reaching for a piece when I picked him up so Stephon could eat in peace.

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