Patrick McDunderson

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Yeah, I know you're in shock. 

The Patrick McDunderson?! Yeah, it's me, Goode High's most popular guy. But if you are a girl, you can't have me. I've already got my sights on someone. 

She has wavy, caramel colored hair that curls at the ends. Her almond shaped eyes shift between lime green and emerald green. It's Veronica. Okay, fine. Her real name is Calypso, but that name is stupid. When we're together, I'll make her change her name to Veronica, and she'll be so desperate to be with me, that she'll change it.

I wait near her locker. I see her, and my heart nearly stops. Her hair is in a ponytail with a white scrunchie. She has on a white sweater, gray tights, and knee high boots. She comes walking down the hall to her locker, and I put on my dazzling smile. 

"Hey, sweetheart." I say. 

She wrinkles her nose. "Don't call me sweetheart," she growls. 

"Okay," I say with a shrug. She opens her locker, and I look inside expecting to see stupid girl stuff. (A/N: Girls aren't stupid, you're stupid, Patrick) Instead I see  photographs taped to the back of her locker. One has 11 people in it. (Calypso, Leo, Reyna, Nico, Will, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Piper). One has 5 girls in it. (Hazel, Reyna, Piper, Annabeth, and Calypso.) The other three only have 2 people in it. Her and a stupid looking curly haired boy. For a second I wondered: Could he be her boyfriend? But she was too pretty for him, so I shrugged off the idea. 

"We should go on a date," I said. "we would be a powerful couple and rule the school."

 Veronica slams her locker shut. "I have a boyfriend." she snarls. 

"Break up with him, I'm better." I reply, absolutely sure this is the winning move. 

"No way." she sneers. Suddenly a hand appears on either of her shoulders. A face then appears next to hers. It's the curly haired boy from the photos. 

"Hey, Callie." he says. 

She turns to him in surprise. "Leo?" She grabs him and pulls him into a kiss. I'm so furious but I need to look calm and collected. "I thought you would be at camp till' the end of the week!" she cries. 

He wrung his thin hands together. "About that... Festus kind of got loose and they put me in charge of tracking him down and I might need you help." he says quickly. 


"Sorry, I just told him to fly around and come back!"

 "Oh, yeah cause' that was guaranteed to end well." Veronica starts to run off, but I grab her arm.

 "If this stupid elf lost his pet bird, it's not our problem." I say. Veronica turns around and slaps me. "Do NOT call my boyfriend stupid. I love him and you better back off, cause' I'm not dumping him! Also, he's an adorable elf, and he's my elf." 

I glance behind her and swallow. The boy-Leo-was casually studying a sledgehammer. Where had he gotten it? I nervously back down. "Whatever, you're not good enough for me."

I knew it wasn't true. She was perfect. But I just noticed a girl with fluffy brown hair and golden eyes. Maybe she's single.

Again, thank you all for reading! Vote and follow if you enjoyed, and please point out any mistakes! Constructive criticism appreciated! See you in the next one!

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