Gina Railey

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"Shut up, shut up!" I whisper-screamed to my posse. "Here comes Will!"

I stared at the door as it opened, and the one and only Will Solace stepped inside, hair tousled and his smile sunny as always. Oh, isn't he just gorgeous? (A/N: Yes. Yes he is.)

"Hi Will!" I said quickly. "I saved you a seat! You're always early but today you're barely on time!" To prove my point, the bell rung.

Will gave a tired smile. "Sorry- busy day yesterday at work. I'm tired."

"Work?" I asked. "You work?"

"Ha, yeah." He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "It's a part time job at hospital? Yeah. The hospital. There was a battle, so everything was pretty hectic."

"A battle?" 

"Car crash." He flushed and cleared his throat. "I said car crash." He flashed that sunny smile again. "Anyways, thanks for the seat...Gianna?"

He was pretending to not know my name. Adorable. "Gina."

"Right, sorry."

The teacher clapped his hands. "Alright, who's ready to learn? Grab your textbooks, everyone!"

Will reached into his bag and then turned pale. He felt around and looked through all the other zippers before groaning. "I'm so dumb." I watched him glance around while quickly punching a number into his phone. He held it to his ear and ducked in his seat.

"Hey babe!" he whispered in a rush.

I felt punched in the gut. Babe?

"Look, I know I messed up, but I think I left my chem textbook in my cabin last night. Can you grab it?"

A pause. Will made a bit of a face and rolled his eyes.

"I know I'm irresponsible, can you do it or not? Please babe."

Will waited with a tense face, and then suddenly smiled and sighed. 

"Oh my gods, thank you Neeks, thank you so much! You're a lifesaver. And yes, I know the irony." He stopped and listened. "In front of the school? Yeah? Okay, thank you so much. Bye. Yes, Neeks, love you too."

Neeks? Probably a nickname. Nichola? Nicole? Was it that Nikki girl who worked at one of the nearby Starbucks? What kind of girl scored a catch like Will?

"Mr. Rod, can I go to the bathroom?" Will asked, raising his hand. 

Mr. Rod turned back to the board. "Yes, make it quick, please. Learning to be done!"

Will shot out of his chair and left the room. While Mr. Rod's back was turned, I ran after him. I had to know what kind of girl stole Will from me.

Will rushed out the front doors. I watched from a distance as he ran to a pale boy with black hair, leaning against the wall, holding a textbook.

Oh, phew! It was just a cousin or something. Babe is a weird thing to call a cousin, but hey, at least he's single. I crept closer.

"Nico, you just saved me," Will said, hugging the boy.

Nico huffed and rolled his eyes. "This is under no circumstance becoming a regular thing."

"Yeah, of course. Thank you."

Nico reluctantly hugged Will back. "Yeah, well, anything for our hardest-working medic. You saved like five lives yesterday. This is the least I can do, I guess."

Will pulled away. "You know I'm just doing my job, Neeks." He kissed Nico on the cheek.

Okay, this is getting weird. What's going on? The nicknames, the 'babe', now kisses? It's almost like they're...

"Oh, what the heck," said Nico. He grabbed Will's collar and pulled him down, kissing him. Will dropped the textbook immediately to put his hands on the back of Nico's head.


I backed away, and turned and ran. My lip curled. I can't believe Will's taste ran in that direction. Ew. (A/N: No offense to anyone! I myself am so incredibly queer that writing this line hurt a lot!)

Shut up, said a voice in my head. That's my son you're talking about.

I tripped on nothing, my face hitting the linoleum tiles. Makeup streaked off my face even though I wasn't crying.

I got back into the classroom. Everyone looked at me and burst into laughter. I shook with rage and shame. Mr. Rod gave me detention for leaving without permission and being gone so long. 

When Will came back in, with his textbook, he seemed happier than ever. His sunny smile was the brightest thing in the world.

And...that's it! The last real chapter of this book! Vote and comment and follow if you enjoyed, and more info about Book 2 on the next page! Again, thank you so much for reading!

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